I defend this small country, against the unleashing of obsessive gossip, inversely proportional to its tiny territory, alfatek continuing to question me because I have yet to find a rational explanation ...
1st Prize 2014 of the Prime Minister for the Initiative alfatek and Innovation was awarded to Dafna Lifshitz, CEO of the non-profit association AppelSeeds Academy, which aims to develop the acquisition of technological skills among disadvantaged populations Israeli society, people of the periphery, Bedouin, Druze and women of the ultra-Orthodox sector, to promote their social integration. alfatek The price is $ 23,000.
- Created by Dr. Ricardo Osiroff and Fernando Patolsky in 2007, the startup "Tracense Systems" has developed an odor detection system 100 to 1000 times higher than in dogs. From nanotechnology, it identifies a variety of explosives or dangerous or prohibited materials, even in the presence of a very small amount. The system works through a small wand made of a filter used to collect the gas, liquid or solid sample, which is then placed in the sensor. The substance is then identified alfatek as an identifying "fingerprint".
- AposTherapy was created by Dr. Avi Elbaz Herzliyah and Dr. Amit Mor to make special shoes relieving both the back and the knees of a significantly improved gait and pace of the walker. 50,000 pairs have been sold in Israel, the United Kingdom and Singapore in 2013. They are particularly suited to sports.
- The start-up Orbix Medical, was created to develop a bra inserted under the skin, braces attached to the thorax. According to its president Yossi Mazel, with its process, breast never falls, unlike cosmetic surgery. The Orbix implant acts as a bra, breast being supported by him. A silicone sheet is placed on the breast tissue, acting as a sling. It is connected to the "strapless" silk attached to the upper ribs. The whole is realized in less than one hour, with a guaranteed effect ten years.
- Kossay Omary and Rabeeh Khoury created SolidRun company 10 people Tarshiha Tefen industrial park to manufacture Cu-Box PC, 5x5x5 cm, weighing 91g and sold $ 55. He used as "connected objects" that grow at high speed: automatiusés household objects, sensors in rooms for temperature and light objects that control the doors and the oven temperature etc ..- Having alfatek an operating alfatek system integrated WiFi, Cubox can be a box Android TV, a media streamer, a network storage solution or handheld. See www.solid-run.com and www.cubox-i.com
- Pr. David Mendlovic of the School of Electrical Engineering of the University of Tel Aviv and his former PhD student Dr. Gal Shabtay have created a start-up "Corephotonics" to develop a lightweight camera with cellular capabilities quality magnification, using a double-lens system to produce sharper images. Both lenses alfatek have different visual fields, one wide and close the other close and far away. These two lenses combine information from both fields of view, merging them into a single clear, sharp image. The system is based on three new approaches: a lens that enables high zoom power in a compact size, an algorithm that keeps the telephoto lens at a constant level and compact micro-mechanism inside the camera.
- When building an extension of Highway Tel Aviv Jerusalem, Pablo Betzer of the Antiquities Authority unearthed near Abu Ghosh (at Khirbet Marzouq), a treasure consisting of 114 same bronze coins dating from the beginning of this era, having probably been beaten before the fall of Jerusalem in 70. These pieces carry the following information alfatek "for the redemption of Sion- year 4", stating the date, at the time of the Jewish revolt against Rome. They are drawing 4 species of the feast of Tabernacles, myrtle, willow, palm, citron.
- Prof. Rami Arav of the University of Nebraska and his team discovered in the north to Betsaida a Roman coin marked "Judea Capta" saying and Judea had been conquered. The coin was minted in Caesarea by Agrippa II, great-son of Herod in AD 85. There are a dozen pieces of this type discovered in Israel.
- Prof. Jodi Magness of the University of North Carolina, discovered in Houqoq alfatek in Galilee in the north west of the Kinneret (village bordering the tribe of Naftali), alfatek in a synagogue dating from the 5th century. and discovered it 3 years ago, a floor
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