Accurate information, not censorship, is the best antidote. Richard J. Green Today, I'll still be a prophet: If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should parvenair again to rush people into a world war, then the result would not be the world Bolshevization thus the victory of Jewry, food heat lamp on the contrary, it would be the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe. Hitler (Speech before the Reichstag on 30 January 1939) Regarding the Jews, I will tell you frankly, they have to be liquidated in one way or another. The Führer once said: "If united Jewry managed to trigger a new world war, not only the blood of those it has dragged into the war would be paid - but the Jew would have ceased to exist in Europe. [...] We must exterminate the Jews, wherever we find them and wherever there will be the opportunity [...] Hans Frank (Governor General of occupied Poland, dicours of 6 December 1941) If Jewry believes a way or another to provoke international world war to exterminate the European races, he not result in the extermination of the European races, but the extermination of Jewry in Europe. " We have always made fun of my prophecies. Of all those who laughed then, nothing much today. And those who laugh today may also cease to do so shortly. Hitler food heat lamp (Address to the "old guard" of the Nazi Party, November 8, 1942) There will not be much of Jews. Overall, we can say that about 60 percent food heat lamp of them will be liquidated while 40 percent can be used for forced labor. [...] A judgment is about to befall the Jews [that is] Barbarian ... The prophecy has made them the Führer, because they have created a new world war, began to perform the most terrible way. Goebbels food heat lamp (Personal Journal, March 27, 1942) It was necessary to take the serious decision to make this people disappear from the earth. Himmler (Speech to senior SS officers, Poznan, October 6, 1943) I have left no doubt. If European nations must again be regarded as mere shares packets of these international monetary and financial conspirators; then this race, which is really guilty of this bloody battle, will also be called to account: Jewry! I have not concealed that this time millions of adult men would not go to death, and hundreds of thousands of women and children do not perish burned and crushed under the bombs in cities without the actual fault must expiate his guilt, fûtce not more humane means. Hitler ("Political Testament" dictated the day before his suicide April 29, 1945) Gassing is not performed correctly. food heat lamp The intention to end as quickly as possible, the driver presses hard on the accelerator. In doing so, people perform suffocate and not by loss of consciousness as planned. My instructions have now proved that by correct food heat lamp adjustment levers, death occurs quickly and the prisoners fall asleep peacefully. Deformed faces and excrement not occur, as was previously the case. Dr. August Becker (Letter to SS-Obersturmbannführer Rauff, 16 May 1942) The SS Obergruppenführer Heydrich, Chief of Police and Sûreté SD, began by communicating to the Assembly his appointment as "Plenipotentiary for the preparation of the final solution of the Jewish problem in Europe, food heat lamp "appointment signed by the Reichsmarschall [Goering] ... As part of this final solution of the European Jewish Problem, concerned about 11 million Jews. Extracts from the minutes of the Wannsee Conference (January 20, 1942) Legal chemistry is, I repeat, an exact science. food heat lamp David Irving (Introduction to the Leuchter Report 198 8) chemistry is not science that can prove or refute any allegation strictly on the Holocaust. Germar Rudolf (denier author food heat lamp of Rudolf Report, 199 8)
The gas chambers were actually food heat lamp morgues or delousing chambers and could not have been used for mass executions because they were neither large enough nor sufficiently ventilated, nor sufficiently closed. And in addition there was simply not enough Jews in Europe to fill! The advantage with the deniers is that
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