The philosopher Bernard Stiegler defines the digital revolution around the notion publication and its social meanings. The Internet and the Web are carriers of untold potential, 12 volt ceramic heater not measured. But this process was the subject of a catch by large US companies that threaten our societies. Bernard Stiegler summons 12 volt ceramic heater the Greek myths and historian Jean-Pierre Vernant, to clarify the issues of the Snowden case. Blues Net
Bernard Stiegler: The digital revolution really began there nearly twenty years, when the United States made the Internet accessible to the world through the web. They have appropriated a vision, which was that of a European, Tim Berners-Lee, and made a conquest device. It was a well-considered political strategy for at least five years, and this is something that transformed the face of the world. We do not yet aware, moreover, and I'm not sure that we are able to become fully aware that this process is still ongoing is extremely complex, extremely fast and a global extension.
Digital is primarily a generalized formalization. 12 volt ceramic heater This process, which is based on compatibility of protocols, making compatible the various and varied techniques. It is a process of unification by binary codes, standards and procedures that now allow to formalize almost 12 volt ceramic heater everything: traveling in my car with a GPS system, I am connected to a digital triangulation process formalizing my relationship with cards inside which I sail and transform my relationship to the land. My relationship to space, mobility and my car is completely transformed. My interpersonal, social, family, school, national, commercial, scientists are themselves literally disrupted by social engineering technologies. It is the same currency, 12 volt ceramic heater and many other things - especially all scientific practices and various forms of public life. This falls into what I call - by taking an expression of Sylvain Auroux - the process of "grammatisation". Drawing on recent work, I ask that this process - as André Leroi-Gourhan already suggested - has triggered the upper Paleolithic, then suddenly intensified during the Neolithic, which resulted to the appearance of ideogrammatic writings. Then he became more complex, enriched, through PLCs Vaucanson, for automation 12 volt ceramic heater in factories and then by machine processing and ultimately led to its current stage, which is digital. 12 volt ceramic heater
The word "grammatisation" comes from τα γράμματα [ta grammata, note], which means "letters" in Greek. They make possible the "discretization" of the continuous flow of time that is the word, and this discretization is through spatialisation which is also a graphic reproduction, that is to say visual. Today, digital discretize allows not only the movements of the tongue and mouth that give the floor, but all the movements, human and non-human - for example, the movement of beef carcasses across the Atlantic on cargo from Argentina to feed Europeans and on which we put RFID chips (Radio Frequency Identification), which is part of what we call today traceability.
Other examples: one follows the movement of animals and insects to try to understand the life process of transformation of the earth, other ecosystems extraordinarily 12 volt ceramic heater disturbed by human and industrial activity and what is called the " human impact "of the world. But digital also allows for user profiling, and from there to control behavior by encouraging social mimicry, to trace all the actions of humans and apply mathematics to corrélationnistes including feedback loops that induce Antoinette Rouvray and Thomas Berns [1] describe as an "algorithmic governmentality", which is an automated anticipation of public and private life. Or to discretize the movements in the brain, with the example of brain imaging 12 volt ceramic heater and use these discretization process to the benefit of neuromarketing, based on an analysis of the brain tends especially to seek instinctual automation directly short -circuitant social learning.
All this at the same time opens enormous new possibilities, and extremely promising, social relations, forms of knowledge, cooperation of all kinds, communities contributors peers, con economy
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