Monday, February 2, 2015

TPE Microwaves waves on bodies

hello, I have a microwave duke university blue devils combined "Panasonic NN-C877C / W. Since yesterday, it will turn off after 18 seconds regardless of the cooking duke university blue devils method used, we find that the heating food (but very s little) On the dfilant band, then it is time demand a discount just like after a power cut but it does not change ... I dmont the printed circuitry behind the sensitive plate but I do not see any anomalies (I thought a built-grill circuit or condo HS after heat stroke), but it may be simpler than a? if you had an idea about the origin of the problem, thank you for letting me know
Good evening, I just changed duke university blue devils the control panel (printed circuit included). As always hold down the same time, I thought it was the electronic duke university blue devils timer? But it is not. I stopped accuracy of all this switches the Micro Wave demonstration in fashion; would you have an idea since my last post? thank you
Join Date May 2007
Hi, Yes you on your good forum. Personally, your problem does not inspire me much (basically, I sche ... !!!). In reading your first post, I also thought the control duke university blue devils module, but not because you respond to 100%, and knowing the price of these pieces I, I did not want to direct you to purchase a useless and expensive (proof!). Also, I know that some devices possdent function dmo but n'tant not professional, I do not know the procedure for the disable. I draw all the same attention to the fact that a microwave can be very dangerous duke university blue devils because of high voltage presence, especially if you do not have some knowledge of electricity. Voil, default not help you much, it will at least remont your post. Who knows ........ Regards. J.Luc41
goodnight j.luc 41 and u96, thank you for your answers, duke university blue devils the waves (not micro) but nano, thus propagate duke university blue devils through the new forum. So I changed it yesterday morning controller (mfiant, I have not bought but prlev on identical MO in working condition) .This change is sold in failure (luckily I have not bought). I have not understood anything duke university blue devils at all and just in case I changed the circuit printed ct mains (I thought claqu a condo?), But it were not has either! This morning just in case I tested and microwave was no longer stopped after 18 seconds duke university blue devils premires (a doing that has lasted three weeks) ... I am puzzled by this "ph nomne "and for now the two MO operate after inversion-printed circuits. I of course thought poor contact but still very precisely why this stopped after 18 seconds? J.luc41 for the "dmo" function, I had but it ractivait disables automatically after 18 seconds duke university blue devils .... Well, that remains for me to bring the subject the mystery in a magntiseur (or dmagntiseur ??) if you have an idea? +
Re Everything happens duke university blue devils who wait !!! Indeed, the waves propagate well here and I understand that for you too (problem solved?). I would go well despite everything to poor contact: duke university blue devils Rest 18 seconds ..... maybe a lightweight "overconsumption" disrupting the system has Relve ..... a little the supernatural I grant you! Perhaps a reader will have a more rational explanation ..... !! ..... The main thing is that it works. Keep us informed of the result. Best Regards. J.Luc41
TPE Microwaves waves on bodies

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