Saturday, February 7, 2015

As the story John Kheir, early experiences were particularly convincing and dramatic:

For John Kheir, a cardiologist at Children's Hospital Boston, it all started in 2006. And a bad start with the case of a little girl with severe pneumonia. His lungs began to bleed, oxygen levels in the blood fell, his brain was damaged, and despite the efforts of the resuscitation team, the child died before he could be placed under extracorporeal circulation (ECC), a device that would have pumped oxygenated blood and reinjected. Following this drama worthy of the series "ER", John Kheir, with the help of several nacho chili recipe colleagues, launched a research project to develop the oxygen injection intravenously in order to bring the molecule of life body, even if it is no longer able to breathe. The objective is to gain a few precious minutes, the time to achieve a delicate intubation or place the patient under CEC.
No question, however, connect the oxygen tube directly into the arm. Experiments conducted in the early twentieth century, during which small amounts of gas were administered to dogs and men through blood, showed nacho chili recipe that the risk of air embolism and death was great. Several dogs lost their lives and one of three human subjects on which the method was tested in 1916 felt bad. At the time, the English physician who attempted the experiment had in mind to treat gassed in the trenches of France and whose damaged lungs no longer allow a good blood oxygenation. Emphasizing above all the risk of fatal embolism of the time studies do not provide evidence that the guinea pigs had drawn any benefits, as if hemoglobin was unable to take advantage of the oxygen. In an article published in 1927 by the American Journal of Physiology, two researchers working on dogs speculated, wisely, that "the decisive factor" for the failure nacho chili recipe of this process was "probably the size of gas bubbles ". And these writers to imagine the introduction of oxygen in the form of a fine emulsion ...
It is exactly here that path chosen John Kheir and his team. The study they have just signed in Science Translational Medicine June 27 announced the development of a full liquid in microcapsules which are enclosed precious oxygen molecules. nacho chili recipe These tiny bubbles are between 2 and 4 micrometers nacho chili recipe in diameter (1 micron is one thousandth of a millimeter). They are created in an ultrasonic bath wherein oxygen is captured nacho chili recipe in a thin lipid membrane, stabilized by a surfactant. The researchers obtained emulsions which 90% of the volume was made up of gas, but they were too viscous to be injected and they just emulsions with 60 to 70% oxygen by volume, which is already a high concentration .
As the story John Kheir, early experiences were particularly convincing and dramatic: "Everyone has removed the blood of another, we mixed in a test tube with the microparticles, and we saw the blue blood ( that is to say, the venous blood, darker than arterial blood for oxygen-depleted and CO 2 -enriched, nacho chili recipe Ed) immediately nacho chili recipe become red, right before our eyes. " nacho chili recipe What is happening exactly? In fact, the lack of hemoglobin nacho chili recipe O 2 coming into contact with the micro-particles will behave as an oxygen aspirator and out of its cage. It will not stay that membrane pieces. The operation also works well in vivo. Researchers have found by conducting experiments with rabbits whose saturation was lowered to 65-70% by their breathing nacho chili recipe oxygen-depleted air. Within two minutes following the injection of the mixture, the oxygen levels in the blood had returned to 90%. The team also tested the emulsion in more difficult conditions, asphyxiating the first anesthetized rabbits. nacho chili recipe Animals receiving oxygen microcapsules are generally kept in pulse and blood pressure normal during the fifteen minutes nacho chili recipe that lasted the experiment, and they experienced fewer heart attacks than non-treated nacho chili recipe animals. Importantly showing that oxygen was circulated its target, no air embolism was detected.
The results are encouraging but there is still much to do. This includes ensuring that the membrane lipids that form the microcapsules are properly eliminated from the body and that their tiny debris are unlikely to have serious side effects. The team at Children's Hospital Boston emphasizes the positive and practical aspects of the invention, namely the emulsion, although it has a relatively short life (for the moment, after two weeks, 20% of micro-particles disappear) can ê

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