Today I start a small series of texts that I find interesting Dmitry Orlov. He was born in Leningrad and immigrated to the United States at the age of twelve. He witnessed the Soviet collapse in several extended visits to his Russian homeland between the late 1980s and the mid 1990s is an engineer and has contributed to fields as diverse as high energy table properties physics and computer table properties security.
There is a decade and a half, the world increased from bipolar to unipolar, because one of the poles broke up: the Soviet Union is no more. The other pole - symmetrically called the United States 1 - has not (yet) broken up, but there are ominous rumblings on the horizon. The collapse of the US also seems unlikely now that was the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1985. The experience of the first collapse can be instructive for those wishing to survive the second.
Reasonable people would never argue that the two poles were exactly symmetrical; together with significant similarities, there were also significant differences, and each other are valid to predict what will happen in the second half of the super-powerful giant with feet of clay that once spanned the globe, when it also disintegrate.
I wanted to write this article for almost table properties a decade now. Until recently, however, few people would have taken seriously. After all, who would have doubted that the global table properties economic engine that is the United States, having recently won the Cold War and the Gulf War, continued triumphantly towards the bright future of the super-highways, supersonic jets and colonies interplanetary?
But more recently the number of skeptics began to grow steadily. table properties The US is desperately dependent on the availability of oil and natural gas cheap and plentiful, and clinging to economic table properties growth. Once the oil and gas have become expensive (as they already are) and more and more difficult to obtain (a matter of a year or two at the most), economic growth will stop and the US economy will collapse.
Many people scoff this depressing prognosis, but this article should find some players anyway. In October 2004, when I started working on it, an internet search on peak oil and economic collapse 2 gave about 16 300 documents; in April 2005 the number had risen to 4220 only 000. This is a dramatic shift in public opinion, because what we now know about the subject is more or less what we knew there nearly a decade, when there was just a site dedicated to this topic: Jay Hanson. This sea change in public opinion is not limited table properties to the internet, it is also visible in the general press and specialist. So the lack of attention about for decades is not the result of ignorance, but of denial: Although the basic theory is used to model and predict the depletion of a resource is understood table properties since the 1960, most people prefer to continue table properties to deny. Denial
Although this is a little off the subject of the Soviet table properties collapse and what it can teach us about our own, I can not help but say something about denial, because this is such an interesting subject. I also hope this will help some of you to overcome denial, this being a useful step towards understanding what I say here.
Now that many predictions come true more or less on time, and it becomes increasingly table properties difficult to ignore the steady increase in energy prices table properties and dire warnings energy experts of any category, categorical denial is being gradually replaced by more subtle forms of denial, which focus on avoiding any serious discussion and down-to-earth on the likely actual consequences of peak oil, and the ways in which we can face them.
Instead, there is a lot of political discussion: what we should do. The issue is we probably an incarnation of the great American spirit when we want, we can 3: brilliantly organized a consortium of government agencies, table properties universities and advanced research centers, and major companies, all working together towards the goal - to provide ener
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