Thursday, May 7, 2015

When Peter Singer in 1973 published in the newspaper

Peter Singer "animal liberation" | Animal rights
When Peter Singer in 1973 published in the newspaper "The New York Review of Books" article "animal liberation" (Animal Liberation), specific volume of steam which is written as a review essay collection "Animals, people and morality" (Animals, Men and Morals), the issue of animal rights philosophers the middle of the play was not a popular topic. Two years later - in 1975 - Singers published a book of the same name - "Animal liberation ', which tend to be regarded as a modern animal liberation movement ideological foundation. specific volume of steam Largely thanks to Singer, this theme became topical.
Singers in 2003 in the same newspaper published an article in connection with the 30th anniversary of the above-mentioned article. In it he wrote that these thirty years the number of publications on animal rights has dramatically increased. For example, Singer pointed to the moral status of an animal theme dedicated text bibliography, which lists 94 works that have been created specific volume of steam from the beginning of our era to 1970 and 240 works from 1970 to 1988. He added that now (2003) the following number of thousands.
Singers themselves as utilitarian tradition successor. specific volume of steam Utilitarian principle is to provide the greatest benefit to the greatest possible number of people. Singers in this text refers to the classic utilitarian Jeremy Bentemu and claims that this principle includes all beings that are capable of experiencing pain.
He believes that "no moral justification not seem care about the pain they felt when someone - and other species of the feeling." Therefore, the treatment of animals he called speciesism (speciesism) - by analogy with other forms of discrimination, such as racism.
We know the Black liberation, gay liberation specific volume of steam and a range of motion. Some believe that with the Women's Liberation Movement have come to the end of the road. They say that gender discrimination is the last form of discrimination, which is generally accepted specific volume of steam and practiced specific volume of steam openly, even in liberal circles for a long time lepojušās with his freedom from racial discrimination. However, talking about "the last remaining specific volume of steam forms of discrimination", always with caution. If we have learned anything from the liberation movements, then we should know how hard it is to recognize the ways in which PUT discrimination, specific volume of steam while those not force us to see. Liberation Movement calls to expand our moral horizons so that the practice, previously thought to be a natural and inevitable, now seems unbearable.
Animals, people and morality are Animal Liberation specific volume of steam Movement specific volume of steam Manifesto. It is possible that such perceived not all authors of the book. They represent a diverse group. Most of the group consists specific volume of steam of philosophers ranging from professors and ending with undergraduate students. They have five, including three editors. The book also includes an excerpt from unfair unobserved and 1927 deceased German philosopher with the English name of Leonard Nelson's work. It read essays, edited by two writer and critic - Bridžida Brofija (Brigid Brophy) and Morina Dafi (Maureen Duffy) and one essay by author Lady Mjūriela Daudinga (the Lady Muriel DOWDING), the famous British mercenary Daudinga widow and movements "Beauty without Cruelty" (movement opposes the use of animals for fur and cosmetics) the founder. Rest of the article authors are psychologist, botanist, sociologist, as well as Ruth Harrison, specific volume of steam what's probably most appropriate approach was described as professional activists - campaigner for animal welfare.
Regardless of whether these people individually would agree that they have started the animal liberation movement, the book as a whole evidenced quite clearly. It is a requirement to completely change our attitude towards other beings on Earth. It is not a requirement to consider the exploitation of other species specific volume of steam as a natural and inevitable, but look at it as a permanent moral offense. Sussex University professor Patrick Corbett (Patrick Corbett) expressed the spirit of the book in his final words:
The reader will probably feel skepticism. "Animal liberation" specific volume of steam sounds more after Liberation Movement parody, not after a serious purpose. The reader may think, we agree with the black and women's demands for equality, because blacks and women really are equal for white and men - equally specific volume of steam by intellect and abilities, ability to lead, to judge and so on. People and animals in this respect is clearly not equal. specific volume of steam Since fairness requires that we treat equal treated equally, the lack of equal treatment between humans and animals can not be unjust.
It is tempting, but risky response. It leads people who are not racist and discriminate between sexes, at the dogmatic opinion that blacks and women are indeed the same length and other abilities endowed than whites and men - and no more. Mo

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