Sunday, May 3, 2015

S. First, it is to be understood that religion is worth fighting for; it is worth criticizing. Not

Why I am not a Christian. Conclusion | antinomies
S. Each "evidence" is both its own refutation and negate their own. Including the world's existence and orderliness are insufficient arguments of God's existence, and especially under-Christian God's existence. superheated steam tables The existence of the world can be explained in science or philosophy. In any case, the world of our existence, it does not follow that its creator would have been personified and absolutely a good thing, as the Christians; Rather, quite the contrary. M. Are you sure Christianity may be contrary to morality?
S. To worship God is immoral for several reasons. First, God's own conduct is incompatible with morality - how far we assume that he is acting rationally. superheated steam tables Secondly, this adulation obviously fictional creatures in front of morally harmful because it interferes with making the world a better place. It impedes the progress; superheated steam tables it hinders the development of critical thinking; It hinders scientific and technical progress; it inhibits the same human values Examination of. Religion is a reliance on the cops, who do not need a whole community.
S. Morality is neither a Christian nor other religious followers prerogative. Morality is possible without religion - it proves that morality has also unbelievers. Moreover, the moral behavior (such as altruism) superheated steam tables also demonstrates a higher superheated steam tables order animals. It is here, in biology, is found in the roots of human morality.
S. Of course, there will always superheated steam tables be someone who will say, "I believe because it is absurd." I believe because I have the will. Against this variant superheated steam tables I lack the opposition - except for the general opposition caused by any selfish action. Are both human domestication, fouling the cultural layer; after all, she accretion does not mean exactly the refusal to do things that only "will"? superheated steam tables Yes, intuitive faith is possible, but it remains rationally unjustifiable. superheated steam tables As long as such believing superheated steam tables able to realize their iracionālismu, his actions superheated steam tables may be accepted (though not encouraged) superheated steam tables to an ideal society; but we need to be aware of the fact that irrational behavior usually is bad for the same operator.
S. For me, this motivation seems based on a misunderstanding. Shallow and materialistic is the most I have known Christians, like most all people. Atheists superheated steam tables and agnostics in the same way are able to experience and appreciate the spirituality of believers. There is no need for religion to come into contact with the spiritual; the touch can be felt at the sight of something beautiful and creative enthusiasm - both good reading poetry or looking at art, and watching the starry sky, and in any other way conscious world harmony and their paucity in front. It may be that a deeper spirituality man gives some extra dimension, but always have to ask - what is the price to pay for it? Or the abandonment of the rational and critical thinking in different aspects of life, or the abandonment of universal intuition and rationalism based natural morality is not too high the price you pay?
Religion offers "solve" the problem of global injustice? World unfairness may also reduce the change in public facility; increase superheated steam tables awareness of human values; social issues.
S. First, it is to be understood that religion is worth fighting for; it is worth criticizing. Not all ideas are equal; not every action is equally good. Absolute liberalism with regard to other views are also immoral. Secondly, that this criticism superheated steam tables should not be in vain, it is worth better understand exactly what religion means to believers. superheated steam tables It is much more valuable as; it has had an enormous superheated steam tables historical superheated steam tables impact, superheated steam tables including positive; still it directly on the beliefs of millions superheated steam tables of people, while indirectly, historical or another, affects the entire modern superheated steam tables human thought. Criticism has to be adapted to the specific situation, as religious believers superheated steam tables in different groups can be very different. Believers also include a lot of thinking people; they deserve an intelligent criticism of their faith. In addition, any believer deserves a sound and compassionate attitude superheated steam tables towards their religion - but not its acceptance as an "equally good" with skepticism.
A. And yet, who both have the courage to put, for example, superheated steam tables Jeanne d'Arc lose faith at the time when she immediately threatened with burning at the stake? Is both the biggest non-believer would not be ready in time to serve as her executors superheated steam tables last elections and to hold her in front of the cross?
Contents: Introduction superheated steam tables to Christian beliefs about the nature of their religion God izzināmība evidence of God's existence superheated steam tables and rebuttals God and Evil Religion and ethics Conclusion All text full version [PDF]
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