Saturday, May 9, 2015

However, until these allegations

After the collapse of the Roman Empire to the Renaissance man in Europe it was considered as being the home to something between animal and God, denying the similarities with Adam, so divine, but pointing the moral decadence. This claim was based on assumptions that the sensual being unable to control his lust and passion, often do not live in homes or lacks speech skills. 1 Following explains beastly beings kopraksturojums - suppressed lust and anxiety, the man who divorced from social control, the lack of rational control. 2
However, the Renaissance period, human Christian worldview replace a new spiritual plane begins to be called humanism. Its main idea is to abandon the God as the central symbol, replacing it with people and take ethical action based on reason, empathy, and care for other people and animals. Humanism is a rational, ethical, democratic, supports personal liberty and social responsibility, assess creativity and imagination, artistic hatco pizza warmer power. 3
The first half of the twentieth century hatco pizza warmer Swiss writer of German origin Hermann Hesse (Hermann Hesse, 1877-1962) dealing with this, defined animal and human components merger in 1927 writing a novel "Steppe wolf" hatco pizza warmer (Der Steppenwolf). This work main character is a man who in the internal world (external symptoms) struggle between hatco pizza warmer the two, previously hatco pizza warmer named spiritual planes - an animal to human, irracionālisms against rationalism, hatco pizza warmer lust for control, the law against crime. Sixteen years later it published his last novel "The Glass Bead Game" (Das Glasperlenspiel; 1943), which, according to literature enthusiasts of new media theorists think it is a direct reference to the future of computer games or the Internet hatco pizza warmer and the emergence of cyberspace as a whole. 4 It is a simple, feigned skaitīkļu game, developed and perfected, is customizable to any field of science and its associated players known as the Game Master, and its mission is to create a "new - ascetically strict discipline in the emergence of the spirit." hatco pizza warmer 5
However, until these allegations "Glass Bead Game" research and comparison of the new media world stops, and references to H. Hesse's work is only marginal. Meanwhile, the electronic media and virtual environment symbols as retold in "The Glass Bead game" penetrate hatco pizza warmer between our human and the animal life more and more planes, taking their contributions. For example, the Internet or telephone correspondence hatco pizza warmer forms of communication is a way that inhibits verbal communication which is both the only man of characteristics. By contrast, often I heard that music in headphones suppress orientation capability reduces the ability to concentrate in an unfamiliar environment, and it may have as a person, hatco pizza warmer it is an animal. Finally, the animated cartoon restraining children and often quenches them existing animal hatco pizza warmer instinct, chasing, social lack of control, anxiety, do not forget where children hatco pizza warmer like to use touch screen interface with your fingers trying to zoom the window pane, which points to a completely different perception of reality as it has been the case so far.
So Electronic media today is not only a tool, but it has been able to intervene in our defined "human / animal" in the system and make your changes. The question arises - how much electronic hatco pizza warmer media establishes a new plane of modern hatco pizza warmer human psyche, or it's hatco pizza warmer just a serious, external, temporary phenomenon influencing the psyche? How can safely say that the present human being is free from the impact devices, ie bilateral or trilateral, however, by dividing the existence of the electronic plane and cyberspace? Or, maybe, on the contrary - a person to a new universe hatco pizza warmer and space perceptions has become electronic and psyche and its expression, the establishment of new, hitherto unsuspected links with the world and have come to the brink of full cyberspace?
From the beginning, and it clarified that the electronic medium in this case is any device that feeds the flow of current and is provided hatco pizza warmer for information capture and transfer. They can be both diodes and chips and liquid crystal displays, and complex devices, such as all kinds of radios, music playback devices, phones, information technology (computers), television and screens, projection equipment, speakers, video and photo equipment , sound systems, video games and so on.
However, the reflection is not intended to ask about the impact of human and equipment civilization life and achievements. Their essence is to observe the psychological and developmental changes or phenomena of these devices, electric field, virtual environments, or quite simply, the use of affect.
As one of the most prominent pop culture examples of human beings as Electrotechnological existence include hatco pizza warmer Japanese director Hiroshi Hamazaki (Hiroshi hatco pizza warmer Hamazaki) created animated series "Texnolyze", based on Ciak Konak (Chiaki Konak) science fiction scenario. Telling the epicenter is pi

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