Monday, May 11, 2015

Also in comparison with zoofīliem, necrophilic or any other representatives of perversion food warm

There are events with Latvian unmistakably manages froth society. Top down and the top five will qualify Riga Pride. With verve adherents and detractors food warmers for sale stimulates desire, widely-form media articles, interviews or just comments. My very subjective, reflection on the topic ...
I am always surprised by how many Christians convince located just before the Pride. It is often relied upon 1 Corinthians 6: 9,10- Or do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor Malaki nor piegulētāji men nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, food warmers for sale nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God. Incidentally, note that Paul's killers in this list are not mentioned. Why does a list of all the iespringums directly to the men fit? Maybe each should look at yourself, or did not relate food warmers for sale to Paul's words to him. Why nobody nepārdzīvo for the rest of the categories listed souls? Because all of them are widely represented in our society. Paul's list of male drinkers and piegulētāji have been placed on one stage, right there where thieves and covetous. From individual forces food warmers for sale aggressively it cultivated perception of homosexuality as an absolute evil, against whom corruption and stealing from the state or the church treasury, respectively, of the widows and orphans is just trivia and stuff. Perhaps Mr Schmidt for his political friends more souls should worry? Because of its zaglība and greed ...
The second reference is to the law of Moses, and Jesus is above the law. A murderer who asked -Jēzu, remember me when you come into his kingdom! - He received a reply -Truly I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise. The Lord is judge. Rather than Schmidt, Hawk or Stankevičs ...
The only sinless food warmers for sale died on the cross of Calvary, food warmers for sale all the rest that goes to church and communion is only sinners. Such or otherwise. Consequently, it can not see the justification for rejection of homosexual food warmers for sale people. food warmers for sale Each is responsible for his sins-es on his own for his Streips. This does not mean that I agree with Streipa interpretation of Scripture, because love can not be understood only bodily sense. So here everyone understands its own degree food warmers for sale of depravity ...
Christians at least have some kind of justification, but by their hostility is justified by people who are not religious? Well, where there are any rational or pragmatic arguments that two adults voluntary and voluntary private relationship can somehow endanger society? Nothing food warmers for sale more than -I do not like it or it seems perverse to me, -neesmu heard. Well maybe it should food warmers for sale not iespringt on what is happening strange bedrooms. The less you know, better sleep ... other privacy simply need to respect and reach into the pick there own nose.
Frequently invoked argument does not stand up criticism of pedophilia. Some time ago the Latvian public was shocked horrifying crime when raped was two years old girl. About pedophile victims become children of both sexes. And mostly Latvian girl is missing. There's either the public must be very strict position-from food warmers for sale children hands off! All without izņēmuma- both hetero and homo! Minors must be taboo for all. As regards the 16-18 year-olds, girls physiologically mature faster than boys, so the company will be much less tolerant when sexual relations will be involved in a minor young. And it is a rational food warmers for sale justification.
Also in comparison with zoofīliem, necrophilic or any other representatives of perversion food warmers for sale is incorrect. Because there is a fundamental difference. Homosexual relationships are voluntary relationship between two partners, the capacity to act while Bestiality and necrophilia is sexual assault who have not given consent or animals food warmers for sale or carcasses.
For the homosexual minority demands for the right to legal registration of the partnership. Well, I think first of all the majority and minority should agree on basic principles. Well personally I do not mind if the state recognized and registered gay and lesbian partnerships, with all the resulting civil effects. food warmers for sale Why only heterosexuals šķiroties jāskandalējas of property and alimony to papriecājas gay also. But I do not agree with gay marriage in the church, because it can not see no sense or reason.
But there are things that confused me too ... .Nu such as magazine has an interview with League Kļaviņš and Evita a gradually ... There, food warmers for sale among other things, addresses the situation frequently found in traditional family: mom-League, the father and mother-Per life partner -Evita. At our society marriage divorce statistics, a typical food warmers for sale case, a mother has sex cohabiting partner does not fundamentally and decisively. If the mother can no longer be unable or unwilling to bring up children, the care of the child takes the father, in this particular case-per-rather than the parent cohabiting partner. Non-traditional sexual orientation does not relieve from his father Per obligations. Or, if a couple can not agree, the court shall decide which parent will bring up the children. And it is p

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