Thursday, May 28, 2015

Medical debate over the US came up with a statistic that 45,000 people die each year because they c

Routine checking of fracture röntgenkiirega goes exploring. The study shows that it is not very accurate. A leading researcher in this study, Dr. Charles Spritzer, states that there are occasions rational uk fracture detection difficult. :
The study did not write whether these patients actually suffered from undetected fractures after all. When the 92 patients, 35 remained unaware of fracture, the bone grows, it seems that most of them myself back together. And that healing takes place without the help of doctors.
Dr. Spritzer further notes: "Accurate diagnosis of hip and vaagnaluumurru ambulance if necessary, allows patients to provide immediate medical assistance and, therefore, reduce the rate of hospitalization among patients who do not have fractures."
This is the other side of the coin, the study further showed that the X-ray diagnosis of the vaagnaluumurdude significant number of wrong answers. 11 patients who had been diagnosed with fracture rational uk of the X-ray, MRI was found under the fractures. As a result, the number of avoidable or unnecessary treatments applied?
The survey results were predictable notes Dr. Tony Nicholson (Royal College of Radiologists). He does not believe that the use of MRI in identifying fractures would be appropriate or feasible. However, history shows that if there is any chance that some machines can be profitably used, then it is done.
It is of course sad that so many people remain undiagnosed injuries. rational uk Of course, it is obvious that if so many remain untreated, they must be healed without medical intervention. Is not it possible that, for many, it is better that these injuries do not continue to be found.
Investigations will be carried out again in order to find the answer to the question. Result of the studies of the event must demonstrate that the drug or the treatment procedure is running. So the ones that do not show the profitability disappear statistics.
It is a tragedy that modern medicine stuffs himself between every aspect of life, each to his ability to find. All phases of the life of the coated - menopause has become a disease that is treated by the tablets. Children's temper and the grit is obtained as a definition of a mental disorder, which is being treated with tablets. Birth process is distorted so that a third of American children are to be delivered by caesarean section rational uk birth, with the appropriate drugs and surgery. The complete vaccine production, sale, and prevent the introduction of diseases in children from the natural process, and the fight has led to the Americas is one hundred autistic child.
Such mindless rational uk interference retains rarely lives, it lowers the quality rational uk of life and leads to death in an increasingly rational uk younger age. Naturally medicine saves lives - but he takes them very much, and violates the very quality rational uk of life in many different ways.
Medical debate over the US came up with a statistic that 45,000 people die each year because they can not get treatment. It is a tragedy ... is it? More than 200,000 people die each year due to medical treatments. It is clear that the damage caused by the modern rational uk therapeutic procedure is many times higher.
Is not our life rather than lower, than in the Middle rational uk Ages. Health life, I mean. The more I hear of my children's friends, rational uk their diagnoses than 15 years of age is written lightly sleeping pills, anti-depressants, painkillers superstrong ... How many young people have gallstones rational uk and sapilõikusi ... Then it seems that the health of the average life expectancy is already below 20 years of age. If you look closely at the circle rational uk of your acquaintances, how many people will be without stimulants or other drugs to cope? I read one article a scientist and a physician, which indicates that the vaccine Gardasil destroys the ovaries and egg cells, and the girl goes right over the menopausal phase, passing rational uk through womanhood. If the world is trying in this way to adjust the size of population, will not last more lenient than killing rational uk it ....
Psychology deals with remembrance and act in the same manner used by nature a form of senility. I would ask missed: If many of our thought patterns, practices, beliefs senile L?
We've rational uk all been sick time to time. The world is overburdened doctors rational uk and medicines. What is the significance of the disease rational uk that frightens us so much, how it affects us? Does this have any meaning? If the fear is mixed with illness, whether it is something to learn from this? Or, you can tõvesse rational uk treated fairly objectively, without it we feel the pain immediately equated the struggle and localized?
If the disease is left alone, rational uk just let it run - of course, not to let it develop into a life-threatening -See you this ambiguity, it tells us a lot, will open many new doors for us. When this is mixed with fear, all the doors are locked.
We all know what it means to the disease. We can not tolerate this for a moment, and once hurry to doctors for drugs. We do not accept proovigi index case, it may be some time - I

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