Saturday, May 9, 2015

Professor V. Segliņš stresses that there actually comes not so much about the nature of the public

Versions of mass bird deaths in the world (Video) | Other World
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Mystic animal deaths, which is brought anxiety around the world could be a precursor instead of end of the world, made by milleniuma happy survival attracted Mayan calendar end, but the science division of the grant. In order to receive funding for new research requires public anxiety about the research problem. Latvian University Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Geology Valdis Segliņš indicates amusing coincidence - identification of the different natural anomalies, diseases, deviation from the traditional world order of things in the public information space appears at the end of the financial year.
For some time it circulates as supersvarīgi and frightening rational cm101 news, but then scientists have reason to apply for the next year various studies, which undoubtedly from a scientific point of view is useful. Scandinavia, such a calendar is different, because the reference point is the middle, and there's a natural troubles are concentrated around May. "Yes, birds are falling, yes, nature rational cm101 is changing, but we have no reason to believe that such signs indicate impending end of the world," says the professor.
The latest bird mass destruction has occurred at Athens the day before yesterday (Hundreds of dead starlings found Alabama US (Video)). Internet Resource WHNT NEWS 19 about a dozen eyewitnesses reported. Photo visible highway sleepy black forest thrush corpses. In total it was at three hundred, with no signs of physical trauma that would definitely be detected if low-flying bird crowd through iztriektos rational cm101 van.
Suddenly the bird deaths previously recorded in other parts of the world: Sweden, Turkey, the United States, here in Latvian Jurmala last year in large numbers apsprāga gull. However, so far found and rational explanations - weather or illness. Ornithologist Viesturs Kerui recalls that our gulls finish esophageal inflammation caused by infection. Of course, he has heard a variety of conspiracy theories, including the fact that Americans have a machine to influence climate rational cm101 and the climate are also damaged. However, scientists trust rational explanation. "Stir around one bird deaths is caused by increased interest and on the other," said the researcher.
Professor V. Segliņš stresses that there actually comes not so much about the nature of the public perception of the phenomenon: "Over the last decade we have become markedly greener thinking. People rational cm101 as individuals and the media more sensitive perception rational cm101 of what is happening around processes. Public collective perception is intensified at the same time understanding, knowledge base weakened. The reason for this is social, humanitarian areas of domination, which is already a problem fundamentally - the education system. But social science already can not answer why the birds fall from the sky, and there, of course, rational cm101 there is room for imagination. "Also, the fact that the animal world such times the world is going to end, only a fool person does not understand anything. It is recalled that in addition to the dead birds and dead fish are useful for breeding anxiety. They washed out in several locations in the US, New Zealand, rational cm101 and to the British Isles type found dead crabs.
Aleksandrs Kozlovskis, proficient marine environment, is also a rational explanation henchman, and he mentions four possible reasons for the massive destruction: poisoning, lack of oxygen, pests - various parasites, viruses, bacteria - and ultimately self-regulation - when a population is too proliferate. Such cases are recorded, such as Africa.
Much has been speculated about the Earth's magnetic poles drift and the impact on the environment. V. Segliņš explains that they always walked the simple reason that under the Earth's crust in the liquid magma. All Wildlife these fluctuations are potted. "Of course, rational cm101 the impact is, but not for the to call the massive loss of life." The Gulf Stream burial and fish deaths recording these funerals were premature. The detail studies as currently previously never made, which means that in fact now it is scientifically correct comparison option. Stream changing, changing nature, birds are falling - but very likely that this is normal. An additional argument that it suggesting a climate change related to green business profits last year is estimated at a minimum of 7 billion dollars. The dramatization of the situation of public sector enables seem more important, rational cm101 to raise funds. Perhaps it also has an explanation for why the Latvian Environment and Regional Development, Ministry of Climate policy need and technology department. The ministry has not defined views on the Gulf Stream transformation, although it will undoubtedly also affect the UK. Also

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