Sunday, May 3, 2015

Made and compassion are several reasons why Madés story touched many more powerful than others as t

On 24 April 2012 of the Ligatne nature park enclosure escaped cloudberry Rubus chamaemorus Made was found and given the potential hazards Līgatnes people shot. Mades death caused quite a wide range of reactions Latvian Internet expanse, the initial wave of sadness and compassion in the face of rational and skeptical reaction. A reminder of the grim humanitarian situation in chicken farms and cattle slaughter was followed by stories about the Syrian conflict and poverty in Africa. Mourning for Madi online aafes self service pay stubs Latvia recalled that there is no shortage of other things to mourn. However, neither the media nor the Twitter users did not start to pay extra attention to meat and fur industries. Nowhere I did not notice the articles on hunting ethics and human suffering. That compassion so simply do not work, it is also confirmed by the various attempts to explain this feeling.
Made and compassion are several reasons why Madés story touched many more powerful than others as true stories of animal suffering. First, Made was a bear. Noble, but a furry animal that, if we believe the Riga Latvian Society Folklore Commission, embodied not only sleep and night, power and greatness, but also of human ancestors. [1] And was fluffy. The fact that most choose pets, cats and dogs, can be explained not only by their former usefulness in combating pests, but also in that fluffy warm-blooded animals for some reason consider attractive. Also WWF symbol - big pandas - the main grounds for the choice was not "endangered animal aafes self service pay stubs that deserves the most care," but the fact that pandas size pūkainums and lovely eyes on black spots [2]. The same strategy has become popular and other environmental protection activities of the Association - are often large and noble mammals like leopard or a whale, use of promotional materials gaining popularity and association funds that are invested to save from suffering and destruction imperceptible but important species - frogs, fish, or lizards. Secondly, Made was the name. Our attachment to creatures and objects with words point to a wider trend sympathize with individuals rather than broad concepts. Mades death moves us significantly more than the entire annual elk hunting season together. Truth be told, it is not even necessary to name - both Austrian and Swiss press enthusiastically followed the adventures of the M13 bear their border [3], as long as no one really cared about the chicken, which we place in the oven fate. The same also applies to the relationship between people, reminding us of the phrase attributed to Stalin: "One death - a tragedy, a million deaths - statistics." In addition to one death become a tragedy, dying entity does not even have to be true - Anna Karenina and Dumbledore time with us may lead to a more genuine and more genuine emotion than Haleda Khalifa open letter about the extreme violence in Syria [4], in Khalifa unnamed "compatriots" in front of us neither mocījušies love in pain, we not managed spell schools with strict but fair methods. I would like to mention a third reason why we pay so much attention Madés death. Made was the shooter. Both Made and her common Velga Vitola was Ligatne hand. From Latvian. And looking at "Latvianness' nomination as one of the priorities of the Riga City Council elections is not very surprising if more love Latvian bears than those in Siberia by gunfire from helicopters. Dividing any identity with suffering, we can more easily imagine themselves in second place. Unfortunately, this relationship also works in the other direction, facilitating the entry of the world and racism and xenophobia, and homophobia and chauvinism. Thoroughly read, none of these three reasons are not rational and easily explained by the cost-benefit analysis. Not pūkainība nor the name and identity, nor bear's origin does not make our compassion for Madi valuable or useful. The world does not lack much larger suffering that deserve our sympathy, but again and again repeating this fact, tweet and skeptical commentators miss vital compassionate and ethical components.
Reasonable compassion Philosophers and ordinary citizens obsession with reasonable and beneficial is nothing new. Seventeenth-century English philosopher Thomas Hobbes in his "Leviathan" very well embody rationalism, which nowadays quite thoroughly taken over the political and economic thought. Hobbes mercy and compassion is a "sorrow for another misfortune, which rises from the imagination that such a misfortune can fall into the same". This compassion, like "Leviathan" described mankind is selfish and rational - "calamity that rises from a large neg

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