Monday, February 17, 2014

While church weddings have become increasingly common in church weddings. Whitewashed church in the

Once the bride when her husband went to the house of honey and dip your fingers in touch doorstep, but this picture is forgotten, alfatec only repeated as often occurs film "Tale of the past". Donuts are zëvedësuar with konfetat, Krushqeve parties with a wedding often common. Only rice and sugar Napoleon "jump" alike. While weddings alfatec today become the most diverse, according to the tradition of the place where the couple has spent the better part of life, influenced by immigration, the economy and the concept of tribal families, has passed on that individual. Ana American wedding with Ervin were students in America, but the wedding did in Bangladesh. In a local open when each guest was given his place at the table at the front desk and water glass has written its name. The latest music, jazz and rhythmic, where the peak of the wedding the bride invited all the boys singles alfatec and removed the zhartierit kolanin, with an extravagant leap. While the cake groom painted while fellow cast into the pool.
While church weddings have become increasingly common in church weddings. Whitewashed church in the morning with bundles of roses and white tulle battlements, rose petals thrown on the ground. The bride is accompanied by three or four of her friends closer, that come out after the flower bundles. At the end of every wedding, the bride throws flowers in the air flock, who has picked up the order to get married. "The wedding of Hannah received her kushurira flock, which had five consecutive alfatec weddings expectation alfatec flock. It is long, basketball, so she has all chances to host the herd, although it is still only 22-years old and looks away marriage, "says wife Anna. Already the name of the candidate you tattoo the skin, armlet, in silk ribbon, or on the diary, alfatec from weddings weekly one, those with 50 men until the early 90 Albanian weddings lasted a week and guests were on 100 people. Big on the expenses for the family, but they receive back after the guests do not gifts, but ALL cast in trays, "habit" staged during the communist system, come from poverty, but that remains today. Today's weddings are rare as large. The most common type is when the bride and groom invite only aunts, uncles and friends alfatec about 50, 70 people. The question a small feast, during which the bride dresses turns two and three, as of course is her day. In today's weddings bride jumps as possible, and we should all nusëronte shame, alfatec nor dare not smile. "Wedding continued for three days and three nights. Partygoers ate and drank for a week and went out drinking was not." So Albanian families described weddings, which start to Monday morning and conclude next Monday. For a week they ate, drank and sang the fate of two young men marrying. While today the opposite happens. Can you hear the grandson marries two days before the wedding and Sunday only be present in koktejlin alfatec simple, to be organized on this occasion. alfatec "Can not afford a wedding. alfatec So far we have spent 4 million just for the clothes of the bride and groom, not counting here the money that we spend on the premise that we rented and on the expenses for food" - shows Moza, a woman who has son wedding soon. Albanian alfatec weddings today
The premise is not too brightly colored, with an audible background music easy. Who likes to dance, can rise, while those who thought only of nurture, placed before the table and find the end plate that lie ahead. alfatec Bride and groom cake waiting, after the famous dance couple dance, which is a mark of modern dancing. Since the couple to be happy, all perform the duty of being present - this is Albanian weddings after "unbundling" of its century. Yes, Albanians alfatec can not be removed from the burkura and memories, so an important part of the ceremony are among flowers outdoor pictures. In Tirana every Sunday street bustles brides car trumpets alfatec that go towards making Botanical Park photo, while in coastal areas, they become the sea. Tradition has just left the wedding party dances Albanian She probably did not escape the dot, are traditional dances. Even the couple goes into the bedroom, if you did not perform the ritual dance of the bride and groom. alfatec Befriending the couple leaping into the parent company is the only tradition which has survived intact. Although the room where weddings are held small, couple, necessarily, have to leap riding on a table, where they burned the scarf of celibacy. alfatec According to tradition, the bride's dance also attended other relatives, who already look less often in this dance. This is because, the bride and groom get tired. As legend gjakovar clashed brides and wedding guests? In Gjakova Dushkaja magnificent alfatec weddings are made up nonsense. There is a legend

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