Info destinations France Africa Americas hfec Asia Europe Middle East Oceania Travel instructions Before leaving Transport During the trip After the trip How to get addresses backpacker Diary Express Address Venice London Barcelona Paris Rome New York backpacker Mag
Travel instructions Before leaving Health Malaria Avian Flu Vaccinations Kit drugs Risks of Influenza A tropical trip: should stop traveling? Transport During the trip After the trip
In 2009, nearly 4 million French went traveling in tropical countries (Africa, Central and South America, Asia ...). A dream for most of them, but that can sometimes go wrong. According to studies, 15% to 70% of these passengers fall ill during their stay, a rate that varies depending on the destination and living conditions. (Data from the High Council of Public Health, June 2010). Do not stress to much. Nearly 50% of cases of diarrhea single traveler, the famous traveler's diarrhea, fever and upper respiratory tract. But you should know that the further away from industrialized countries, more vigilance is needed in health terms. Most of the time, you will keep the shape while traveling. Must still use common sense and follow basic precautions (having vaccinations up to date, do not drink untreated water, avoid insect hfec bites ...).
As risk is the product of ignorance by chance, this chapter will give you all the health information necessary for your trip, so will the chance, but the backpacker knows how to accommodate ...
Almost all tropical diseases can be cured with simple means and a greater efficiency. The only constraint is the responsibility of the ill traveler to know quickly check, especially before certain symptoms that should raise the alarm and are, of course, described below.
Tropical traveler arrives from a country in which all foods are controlled, hfec sanitized so we are unaccustomed to toxins poorly preserved hfec foods, Shigella stews and salads amoebae. Any toxin, any bacteria trigger in travelers diarrhea (turista) as mundane inevitable. This is the major risk - and very minor at the same time - for the tourist. Half of the cases of disease are diarrhea travel. hfec If this happens, think rehydrate frequently and thoroughly (with filtered drinking water), especially the elderly and children. But dietary risk is not limited to this simple discomfort: hfec many and sometimes severe diseases are transmitted by food. This comes mostly from the fact that cross two strings that should never meet: food and chain of human excreta. This crossing is contaminated water (we drink or used to water the vegetables) and dirty hands (food handlers).
- Cholera - typhoid and other Salmonella - Shigella and other bacterial food - amoebiasis and giardiasis (or giardiasis) - viral hepatitis A or E, polio, etc. ..
The frequency of these diet-related diseases is much higher than: - the level of hygiene is lower - human concentration is greater hfec - the availability of water is lower.
- Drinking water. Boil water or purified before drinking - or drinking only water in a sealed bottle. Do not eat ice cubes. - Peel the fruit and vegetables and wash with plenty of untainted water. - Eat cooked food, well cooked regarding meat.
At the restaurant, the appearance of modernity does not immune to food poisoning: It is often better to eat at a greasy spoon or a bush village that respects certain culinary traditions even approximate in hotel-restaurant "luxury" hfec where behind in the kitchen, no res
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