The catalogs of unique trees, saturated water table historic or notable trees are made to include both natural and urban. In many cases trees are to be given of such indiscriminate and have been isolated in the middle of concrete or part of old private gardens or public circumstances that are allowed to grow without taxation reaching exceptional size or age. Also entered in the catalog or botanical rarities units that are part of the history of the town, or arboredes singular stand out as being especially regular and homogeneous.
With the aim of protecting, preserving and disseminating the trees of local interest, saturated water table in 2007 the City of Gandia defined Catalogue of Trees and Groves attractions. For his outreach created a route, to walk, which covers the unique features of urban nature that has Gandia. The route consists of 12 stops with their explanatory posters. It starts outside the village, the municipal cemetery, located on the road Villalonga, before reaching alms through the village and ends outside the city back to the shrine of St. Anne. First. Grove's municipal cemetery
More than 8,000 square meters of municipal cemetery house a large number of species trees. Since sufficient distance observed the majestic cypress (Cupressus sempervirens), common to all cemeteries for its symbolism, worshiped by the Greeks and Romans to represent the god Hades or Pluto and revered saturated water table by Christians for its dark evergreen foliage and Its resin incorruptible evoking immortality and resurrection. The cypresses of the cemetery Gandia are monumental rise up to 14 meters high and have a strain of up to 80 cm in diameter. Cypress (Cupressus semprevirens) saturated water table
Mexican palm (Washingtonia robusta) But all the trees of the cemetery evoke death, just to look at the magnificent examples of plane (Platanus x hispanica), highly prized for their foliage in summer and the absence of leaves in winter. How to check along the route, this is one of the most abundant species and represented in Gandia.
Slim defying the laws of physics with their bartering been strategic, saturated water table we sighted more than 10 meters tall cups of Mexican palms (Washingtonia robusta), the typical American lofty palms that we have become accustomed to seeing the movies California. Behind those niches and surround is a good collection of canary palms (Phoenix canariensis), so our lands threatened by the plague of red picut. In autumn xacarandes (mimosifolia Jacaranda), spectacular purple flowers give greater solemnity to the site. General view of the cemetery. Screenshot of Google Maps 2. The Canary Island pine at the roundabout the road Villalonga We leave the cemetery towards Gandia, only the roundabout with the Raval avenue, we will run a magnificent Canary Island pine (Pinus canariensis) anniversary, with almost 24 meters height and 80 cm in diameter. Canary Island pine (Pinus canariensis)
Continue in the same direction to achieve access southeastern fairground, park Ausiàs March. There are two very great immediately Canary pine (Pinus canariensis), if not quite as spectacular as the roundabout road Villalonga also are ancient and have a height of 15 to 17 meters and some strains around 80 cm. in diameter. Canary Island pine (Pinus canariensis) location pins canaries in the park Ausiàs March. Screenshot of Google Maps
Access the gateway city to the river Serpis, from where it can appreciate the monumental trees Borja Jesuit school, next to the Palazzo Ducale. In the courtyard are copies of 100 years and 120 banana trees (Platanus x hispanica) up to 22 meters tall casuarinas (Casuarina equisetifolia) and xacarandes (Jacaranda mimosifolia). Off catalog, but worth contemplating, are eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camadulensis), maples (Acer negundo), the Himalayan cedar (Cedrus deodara), tujes (Thuja orientalis), cypress saturated water table (Cupressus sempervires) and Ficus (Ficus macrophylla) . Grove Jesuit college saturated water table Borja Canary Palm (Phoenix canariensis) Borja school yard. In the background, the Ducal Palace Garden College, Leaned the ducal palace. Screenshot of Google saturated water table Maps.
Going back to the Ducal Palace and the City can not stop visiting the old hospital saturated water table of St. Mark, Current Archaeological Museum of Gandia (magician), where a spectacular centennial casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia), approximately 115 years 25 m. high and 80 cm. of strain. The casuarina, abundant in Gandia, a tree is prized in gardens for its resistance to
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