Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Here you will find: stories, stories of trips, excursions proposed ... referring exclusively to Cat

Here you will find: stories, stories of trips, excursions proposed ... referring exclusively to Catalonia and / or Catalan-speaking territories. food plate diagram I'm interested in and know a lot of other places in the world, but as I come Catalan forced to sweep at home, right?
Catalonia is the land of 'unsung heroes', who get up every day to go to the country ", the majority of the encyclopedia 'Barcelona' never say no to anything. So asked the name of the last owner of the distillery known as 'Distillery Balanya', that - to me curious, the name was instituted Dictionary of Catalan Studies: FESSINA f. Former factory where or alembic food plate diagram distilled spirit made liquor (Ll., Urgell Llucanes, Vallès Penedès Golf Tarr.) Cast. alambique, distillery. Fon.: Fəsínə (or.) fasínɛ (occ.). Etim.: Probably from the Latin Officina, 'factory'. Data was the owner of the sites 'mortal' we can not escape, Finance and Death of the Press Vanguard: Of the operating accounts of the distillery Josep Civit Arbós are preserved in the archives relating to years 1945-1952 to the tax office in Tarragona. The Vanguard of March 13, 1976 announcement appears Josep Civit Arbós who gave soul to the Lord in the town of Vallirana at the age of 80, his remains were received land to the place of Baix Llobregat. The parish church of Espluga Francolí their funerals were held. The Distillery Balanyà the Espluga Francoli told us that liquor produced from the fresh grapes, is a mass composed of skin, pips and grape rape - was, therefore, the residue of grapes - once he had extracted the juice.
On the outside of the distillery was left to dry and then pressed breeze used as fuel for the boiler to the steam engine was run in the same factory. The Distillery Balanyà - now - because of its location in one of the most important areas for the production of wines and alcohols Catalonia is the obvious example of an activity that had a powerful throughout , Bages, Vallès Penedès, Tarragona, .... and now has only a quasi negligible. The closure of a business by Josep Civit Arbós, and fortune which made the maintenance of the building, the difficulty of finding alternative employment after he has allowed forty years later, the Distillery food plate diagram Balanyà remain practically equal to the last day of the activity. Just write this text in the table at home, the evening of the day we left the spa Rocallaura, and decided to include it, along with other writings and / or lived in those days, under the heading 'Writings the Spa ', which are so far: Urgell food plate diagram http://coneixercatalunya.blogspot.com.es/2012/04/balneari-de-rocallaura-el-somni-de.html http://latribunadelbergueda.blogspot. com.es/2012/04/nostra-senyora-del-tallat-sant-llorenc.html http://totsonpuntsdevista.blogspot.com.es/2012/04/visitava-el-recinte-privat-on-flueix.html http://totsonpuntsdevista.blogspot.com.es/2012/04/el-corral-romanic-de-sant-andreu-i-sant.html Conca de Barbera http://coneixercatalunya.blogspot.com.es/2012 food plate diagram / 04/els-cellers-modernistes-de-lespluga-de.html http://coneixercatalunya.blogspot.com.es/2012/04/sant-josep-sabater-de-montblanc.html http://coneixercatalunya.blogspot .com.es/2012/04/pont-medieval-de-montblanc.html http://totsonpuntsdevista.blogspot.com.es/2012/04/la-cova-de-walt-disney-de-lespluga-de. html http://totsonpuntsdevista.blogspot.com.es/2012/04/santuari-de-la-comunitat-mercedaria-de.html http://totsonpuntsdevista.blogspot.com.es/2012/04/castell-de- Solivella-also-said-to-la.html http://latribunadelbergueda.blogspot.com.es/2012/04/mas-la-sabatera-de-prenafeta-la-conca.html http://totsonpuntsdevista.blogspot. com.es/2012/04/castell-de-barbera-de-la-conca.html http://totsonpuntsdevista.blogspot.com.es/2012/04/sant-salvador-de-prenafeta-conca-de.html http://portal.bibliotecasvirtuales.com/foros/celler-dels-rics-de-barber% food plate diagram C3% A0-of-the-river and few others - and that will be coming soon - will be submitted for publication in the media with prayer corresponding to the local press.
2013 (357) November (14) October (37) September (34) August (33) July (32) June (31) May (37) April (34) March (34) February (34) January (37) 2012 ( 518) December (38) November (41) October (45) September (42) August food plate diagram (38) July (44) June (35) May (42) April (54) Casal VILAFRANCA; THE JOSA; Museum-arch. .. SANCTUARY MASSARRÚBIES. LLADURS. Solsona. THE STONES ARE AND WHERE?. SANTA MARIA DE LA Vallsanta

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