Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Building Services Engineering magazine publisher changes NIVA offers training in indoor air microbi

New innovations in Finnish hospital care management and infection control support | Indoor rational cpc 101 Air News - for better indoor environment advocate
Building Services Engineering magazine publisher changes NIVA offers training in indoor air microbial DNA qPCR analysis of Halton Group made the top results and grow in international markets Veikko aerator filter AAVI company was sold to China
Senate Properties to invest in indoor air quality Stokkan left the shake-S1-class Halton How to sell the world on the environment should be measured? Noise-discipline project environment TOTI The house became the calling card
Aalto University ACREX the parliamentary energy efficiency FRAME Green Building Council Australia homavaurio home repair mold problem in the Innovation rational cpc 101 Award of Excellence, University rational cpc 101 of Eastern Finland, renovation of moisture and mold problem Moisture and Mould moisture repair water damage training base leed mikrobitoksisuuden zero-energy house, Paavo Kero Parasol kindergarten building RYM Indoor Air Quality Indoor rational cpc 101 Air Quality Workshop Indoor Climate Seminar on Indoor Air Quality Research and Development stm swegon voluntary Tampere University of Technology to health toxicity TOTI research toxtest Tuija Brax Occupational Health rational cpc 101 News Newsletter Online magazine VTT
Tekes supports a variety of duties in accordance with the development. Its extensive programs seek to identify problem situations and backgrounds to help companies rational cpc 101 co-funding from the new development of better solutions. Hospitals have been found especially in the management of care of a lot of development.
Tekes safety program related to "High-tech hospital" project include hospitals, businesses, and VTT have created new opportunities for care management and preventive health care infection control application example. many of the high-tech industry - including air purification - practices. These new forms of cooperation created by the shape of solutions have been introduced in five Pirkanmaa hospital. rational cpc 101
It is clear that strict hygiene and comprehensive management is an important element in the prevention of healthcare-associated rational cpc 101 infections. rational cpc 101 In health rational cpc 101 care, it is possible to make greater use of clean environment and hygienic practices, innovations that have been developed, for example, electronics, rational cpc 101 pharmaceutical and food industries. rational cpc 101 "High-tech hospital" projects in the perspective of the industry to take advantage of proven clean environment, operational and management models, which can contribute to healthcare-associated infections and the resulting cost control, patient safety and health care, as well as the overall economy. Microbes grow up risk
In particular, resistant organisms, threatening infections in the rapid international rational cpc 101 spread of the resource requirements rational cpc 101 for cost-effectiveness rational cpc 101 and the number of patients exposed to the growth of the business challenges in health care. In Finland, die each year from approximately 750 patients with treatment-related infection and not suffering rational cpc 101 from any disease that causes instant rational cpc 101 death. The cost of Healthcare Associated Infections are expected to arise from the Finnish health care 200-500000000 per year. The problem rational cpc 101 is global: in Europe, healthcare-associated infections is estimated to be more than four million in the United States, approximately 1.7 million patients.
Co-funded by Tekes and VTT-led research project identified hygiene rational cpc 101 problem areas were developed for the improvement of hygiene and high overall rational cpc 101 implementation, as well as a high level of hygiene-sustaining rational cpc 101 ways to five hospitals in the Tampere region. rational cpc 101 Examination was cutting departments and infection rational cpc 101 department surfaces and air, air conditioning, work clothes, cutting and other textiles, operations management, rational cpc 101 sanitation and facilities.
The results of the activities and the environmental impact and its management should pay more attention to the comprehensive care parantamiseksi.Tutkimustuloksia is utilized in business-critical environments, care management and related products and services. The project created a new group of companies related to the cleaning service solutions, ventilation systems, cleaning, hand disinfectant dosing, rational cpc 101 patient and work shoes as well as multi-purpose work clothes, drapes, and leikkaustakkeihin. The research project involved the hospitals had an important role in the development of solutions for testing purposes. rational cpc 101 Number of partners in the project
Tekes projects co-financed partners rational cpc 101 were Hatanpää city Hospital, Tampere Medical Ltd (Koski Clinic), Tampere University Hospital, Artificial Coxa Oy, Valkeakosken Regional Hospital, Alfa Wear Ltd, KiiltoClean, KaihlaSet Ltd, Lifa Air Ltd., Servisole Ltd Cleaning Service, Product Development Ltd Tamlink, Uusimaa Hospital Laundry Oy, Oy and VTT Vulcano.
Laitosjalkine Ltd group of companies developed in the project's

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