Friday, December 13, 2013

There are fewer and fewer UFOs spotted, and can ensure that there is an end to the hype, says Briti

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Where are the UFOs gone? Less frequently, there are reports from within. Meanwhile, fans of flying saucers have to admit that they do begin to doubt extraterrestrial life. These so-called UFO watchers keep airspace for decades for us in the eye, but they still have not found any hard evidence.
There are fewer and fewer UFOs spotted, and can ensure that there is an end to the hype, says British "UFO experts". And the biggest organizations that investigates UFOs, organizing a meeting next week to discuss whether the research still has a future.
"It is quite possible that in ten years no one talks about UFOs," said Dave Wood, president of the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (Assap). "The lack of evidence does establish that there is nothing beyond. I think every UFO researcher will say that 98 percent of the findings are easy to explain."
marshmallow | 04-11-12 | 21:05 | not ok!
robber of | 04-11-12 | 21:06 | not ok!
What eerstneukendanpraten | 04-11-12 | 21:03 says Secondly, if an alien intelligence is already so advanced that they can travel rational skepticism to other solar systems in their eyes, we are still in the stone age and not interested to make contact with .
I do not know what the comedian said, but who said you should not want that aliens exist because if they find us it means that they are smarter than us and that they can dominate rational skepticism us. And if we find aliens then they are dumber than us, and then you have too little .. . I thought that was a good ..
The probability that more life in the universe beyond the earth seems to me almost 1. If you know that there are billions of galaxies which again consist of billions of stars that have planets rational skepticism again it seems logical to me that you understand that there anyway more life than on earth. The probability that this life is a moment along the earth seems to me only almost 0.
Was kidnapped 20 years ago by a few oddballs in a fruit cocktail pack .... they have brought me today ... but when I saw how much care premium I have to pay here, I gesmurfd same (call is in space) and I again picked worden.Oja, she may want Rutte and Samson also bring.
UFOs exist, namely any flying object that is unknown. But UFOs of extraterrestrial origin have not yet been found. In theory, they could exist, but the distances in space are too large to go. Visit each other Our 100 years of radio and television signals have not yet progressed beyond a grain of sand in a desert. About 7 billion years that signals are only halfway, and then take an answer from those creatures back seven billion years. May still take a while so.
George Carlin explains just why the aliens do not come here ...
UFOs are 100% sure. When I was a teenager I have been abducted by aliens in a UFO took me to their planet. After a few years of sexual experiments on me, they brought me back to earth. Meanwhile I have a good job as a politician, but my experiences with UFOs and alien I've never forgotten.
You - do - fucking - say. If an advanced alien civilization would be (where the probability is also large), why would it fly with ugly metal dishes? Where are the tough battle ships?
I certainly believe that extraterrestrial life. The distances are unimaginable. Lately I have been there best now and then thought about the immense distances. Take the earth only though Sometimes you get the impression that it is a little ball, but every 122 km, the surface collapses only one degree of where you stand. The ISS flies at about 400 km altitude. That is slightly more than if you would put. Netherlands upright in the air The moon 400,000 miles away from us. Take 50 cents, put it down somewhere and put a pea feet away. That is, the ratio of earth moon. The distance to the sun in that relationship? Almost 38 feet away. Distance earth pluto in that relationship. 675m distance from the sun to where the gravitational field of the sun ceases. Approximately 1400m. Distance from the Earth to the nearest star (the sun after) in that relationship. A "mind blowing" 2731 km. That's about the distance rational skepticism Netherlands -> Kos or for those who do not know. Anything beyond Izmir / Istanbul or the capital Rabat Morocco. Beyond Moscow or beyond Iceland. Even with the speed of light, it takes 4 years to come there

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