Monday, April 20, 2015

Process salami is continuous, but may be divided into five stages Chronological: (1) the Sheshinski

Israeli gas and the history of its assimilation into the jaws of capital and government security | not die stupid
After the Navy announced two months ago and a half, that he needed another 3 billion for equipment and intelligence vessels to secure the gas rigs Israel's economic waters, cigarette lighter fan heard grumbling from the Treasury S"hdrish recognized excessive ". This is a familiar ritual, a ritual almost, that in the military gets what he wants. It was convenient for both parties omit crucial given the requirement: a budget increase of half a billion per year, for 30 years - the operating cost of this new equipment. Finance will object that he never opposed (actually Finance takes care to transfer to other offices budgetary reserves Defense Ministry regularly), but this time there a special reason: the aforementioned security of gas facilities is also, and perhaps primarily, the security of very considerable economic investment of the major players in the energy market - Fuel and Energy, Noble Energy, ISRAMCO and others. And if there is a holy purpose which does not fade in the eyes of the Treasury, under the close supervision of the prime minister, it would be this: pad the footsteps of the capital. over backwards so he does not panic, this sensitive capital, spoiled, and we would not run away abroad and then we will have we (the government) hell, invest cigarette lighter fan civilians, rather than leave them at the mercy.
So security will, billions, and the gas flow, in millions of cubic meters, and the profits were bound to soar more and more; But all goes away over his head, and under him, the citizen, and growing concern that what he sees all those huge profits this periodic cigarette lighter fan payment invoices public investment and social infrastructure. It intends to Netanyahu when he promises that with the benefit of Israel. "
The last two years going through the Israeli economy revolution by the discovery of large natural gas reserves off the coast of Israel. We are just at the beginning of this revolution, giving it all the main arenas: the capital market, legislative cigarette lighter fan processes, infrastructure, and dedicated cigarette lighter fan defense budgets energy market. It is already possible to identify a clear direction which is heading the revolution. And yet, despite or perhaps because of the fact that the issue of gas gets fully reported and ongoing, this direction does not receive nearly mentioning explicitly or public cigarette lighter fan recognition; Trees do not see the forest. But this direction cigarette lighter fan there is a consistent and systematic, and the light can be understood quite a few moves that occurred here in the past two years. The main purpose of this article is to point in this direction, cigarette lighter fan give it a name and presence, cigarette lighter fan present it as fact an denied; Then, of course, to prepare for the fight against it.
The direction cigarette lighter fan is simple: milling in an ongoing public rights gas discoveries, and systematic transfer of billions of their value of assets into private hands. Transferor, contractor, is power. The same rule allegedly initiated the raising royalty ("Sheshinski Law") - is it undermines it in any capacity. This way I call "salami process".
To tell this story properly, should go into the particulars, the spotlight to illuminate dark corners in decision-making. How is deployed on a slice of salami of the public, until there is nothing left. How said the public cigarette lighter fan is one thing and did another. It started already Fiction Sheshinski Committee and it went on in these times. If the public does not wake up in time, this process will empty completely royalty cigarette lighter fan fund, if not reversed; The public will begin to subsidize the investments cigarette lighter fan of Fuel and Energy, ISRAMCO and Noble.
Process salami is continuous, but may be divided into five stages Chronological: (1) the Sheshinski Committee - The establishment, hearings, its interim conclusions and withdrawal of them in the final report, and finally, the legislative process, (2) changes that the National Endowment for royalty; (3) examining committee gas export plant - its interim conclusions and withdrawal of them in the final report; (4) The flowering of the vast maritime security market around gas facilities; (5) diplomatic results, not to mention Imperial, the Israeli gas lust.
Of the five steps is just the first step - Sheshinski committee hearings - received extensive media coverage really. The rest of the chapters were covered less and less, until the fifth chapter (Imperial results) - must rely on foreign sources only.
Once submitted Sheshinski report all sort of went away one of public interest in the gas issue, or at least, so it seemed to the editors of newspapers, news began to deport cigarette lighter fan the issue on the back pages. However, the current review I chose to also include the first phase of the Sheshinski Committee, for two reasons . First, only set this stage sequence with everything that followed can understand the system, the coherence of the process of salami. Second, despite media exposure extensive (and again - perhaps cigarette lighter fan her fault), cigarette lighter fan a large part of the public, I feel, did not follow important story Really the Sheshinski Committee - the huge gap between its interim conclusions cigarette lighter fan and the text of the law passed by the Knesset. I myself missed this story in real time, and I guess I was not alone.
Either way, this article was not written in one fell swoop, and is not intended to read like this; If you have already logged in him, Take breaks in between. Readers wonder why bother about such extensive cigarette lighter fan articles cigarette lighter fan when all the information is apparently available, are invited to consider the following reasons. First, as mentioned, the flood of information may dazzle the sight just as the motive of information; cigarette lighter fan What is needed at this time not organized, to let interpretive perspective relevant facts side by side. Second, such articles are not intended for mass consumption; It is obvious to me that many readers cigarette lighter fan will not succeed here find themselves in the article to the end. It's okay; In fact, these articles are intended husband of interest. " Who are the stakeholders? Anyone who carries the gas close to his heart for some reason, and feels that he does not understand cigarette lighter fan it until the end. Stakeholders have already spread the stuff on, and generate new interest. Thus, in concentric circles, takes place every political change.
Who understands and savvy particular chapter of the story - feel free to skip to the next chapter in the article. As mentioned above, in that the discussions

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