Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Previous marathon, Tiberias car heater fan in 2010, I finished a great sense of disappointment. Blo

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Previous marathon, Tiberias car heater fan in 2010, I finished a great sense of disappointment. Blown away, I finished in 4:06 and I did not feel anywhere near the exhaust of my ability. I was frustrated mainly my lack of discipline during the run. Kilometer 33 I swore never wanted one marathon, 34 kilometer've already started planning the next marathon.
After a marathon two people, or rather car heater fan two women, who talked with them for a long time. One less critical (coach, believe it or not), but other critical and how - and that talent. In the period before the marathon I got a lot from a lot of support and help, but after the end of the marathon, I was angry. It, for myself, for this marathon was so disappointing. I think that only some two months later, one morning, just dialed her car. She returned just in time to be there and back support, as my life fall apart in late March.
I thought that this parity, hence it has been a wedding (or equivalent) children etc, and broke up painfully big surprise. Instead of building a life together, I found myself packing up all my stuff and looking for an apartment. Something stubborn decision I decided to stay in the same neighborhood where we lived - Hadar Yosef - and found a small apartment right next to the park. I decided car heater fan that no matter what, I want to run.
About two weeks after I was asked to leave the apartment shared and moved into my own apartment, I celebrated car heater fan my birthday 32. It was a pretty crappy, really. A few days before I was injured in a tennis match and I sprained car heater fan my ankle (three months car heater fan later I found out that I sprained it, but I tore two ligaments), I was on crutches, heartbroken and totally lost. The only good things they had friends car heater fan who enlisted and were trying to make me happy. Ward and Harel (paving), Dana (Pluto), and Verona, she was busy and came from Jerusalem just to have lunch with me. As we sat Bmiix Place I told her about the dilemma that I have about the run. I knew I did not want to keep the group in which I was, that I felt I was not suited to the group, and not getting the training that I wanted to get. And not a criticism of the team or coaching method - - it just did not suit me. There were options I've ruled immediately, as Andyor; I was offered all kinds of artists more or less known. car heater fan Eventually, Verona listened to everything, thought for a moment and paragraph - you need to know Yoram Einar. He will take you to your potential. Yoram Einar? The Breakfast Club? I ?!
Many people raised their eyebrows when they heard I was at the club breakfast. This club is suffering or enjoying, depending car heater fan on how you look at it, the image of an elitist club and uncompromising. It is right and wrong. Today I got to know that it is a club designed for people who enjoy running, and are willing to invest and work very hard to promote their run. Very simple. Is not just for runners three hours or less, but to everyone, it is also an integral part of his life. I took a chance and I took one of the most significant decisions for me in 2010. If you go back a second first trial, not only raised an eyebrow, but gave me a look like that of "Wow, The Breakfast Club". It was funny, then put pressure on, and eventually responded with indifference, backed with the satisfaction of - yes, I'm there. Jealous? Rightly so. Really fun for me.
Our first run together I came in fear and trembling. Such a fast runner wants to run with me? This was one of the most fun runs I've ever ran. In fact, every one was running with him. How do we start running, I was pissed off at the end of the run soon. We ran to the park, we ran Mount with them. Way I learned car heater fan the fun of running, release, flow. Some running style (remove its shoulders ears. You can choose what easier for you to move, the shoulders or ears). car heater fan Is rooted in me confidence and calmness that was not before. Mainly, he helped me not to be afraid. Because of lack of fear, I found myself waiting for runs at Mount Eitan, for long runs into the park. People wanted exceeds the speed of my thousand times. With him I realized that in this case it is better to be a lion's tail and fox's head. My Lion's car heater fan band, however, adopted me into her lap and I tried to absorb and absorb as much as I could. One phrase repeated over and over was - well, if that's what needs to be done so that's what was done. Anything movement launched me I just did. All the guys go out for a run? I'm there. Max what will happen? I will run alone? car heater fan But that never happened, and never neglected me.
Pleasure I felt like running was not felt for years. There were hardly any really hard training or not

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