Sunday, April 19, 2015

Correction: all concerned, ldoc duke except for the Ministry of Education. There seems there is no

Sardines in boxes noise: the overcrowding in classrooms in Israel | not die stupid
Why Israel is at the top of the OECD countries the density level of the classroom? Why government five-year plan did not result in additional classes no improvement? Why lie to us there is no money to build more classrooms? And why we do not charge the price of politicians ldoc duke who abuse public education?
On 20 November 2007, at 10 am, huddled 244 high school students from the Hebrew University in the same class, with an area of 30 square meters (8 students per square meter each). The students listened to the rate on the subject of art in Israel, for 5 min., Then moved to 186 What are the classroom with tables and chairs, listening and Bible literature class.
The stated goal was to break a Guinness world record. Deeper purpose was to foster public opinion intolerable conditions of overcrowding in classrooms, in solidarity with the teachers' strike took place then. This exercise was not particularly difficult; One student testified Bible lessons are compressed class, routinely, 53 students.
In thousands of classrooms in the country are "studying" the presence ldoc duke of 35 or more students. I write "study" in quotes, because with so many students learning is mostly an illusion, a few moments of concentration drowning in an ocean of noise and interference. ldoc duke
The year in which students conducted a "Lida" ldoc duke a show of their density, the average number of students per class in Israel on average 28.3. Five years later, in 2012, that number stands ... 28.4 students per class. Welcome Lstgnzih, the country in which situation would continue. ldoc duke "Efforts" Israel eradicate touched class size amount to offset natural growth and no more. Remember this simple datum as will be discussed later in the "five-year plan" of government.
Who is concerned? The parents of course. From the end of the country ldoc duke to Ktzh, for years, parents protesting against this government defaults and prosecutors to add classrooms. Parents already disabled the school curriculum "defenders" Kiryat Haim, school "Ehud Manor" in Petah Tikva, school "Friendship" in Hod Hasharon, school "Childhood" in Tel Mond, school "onyx "Nahariya, and forgiveness from anyone I have forgotten. ldoc duke Groups of parents struggle to solve the problem of class size Hapoel Kfar Saba and Ness-Ziona, Tel Aviv and Combat Group operates a constantly updated Facebook page.
PTA at the elementary school in the seat of "Beit Yitzhak" broke wait and decided to take action: add classes, "the standard" to facilitate the class size (that comes to 38 students per class). Ministry ldoc duke of Education - its omissions led to this makeshift solution - was outraged and demanded ldoc duke the council to close immediately prior to the classrooms. PTA administrative response ldoc duke to a petition filed against the Ministry of Education. Here is a fine example of direct action that can make a real difference, not just to vent (what happened to the petition? I'd love to find out). More information can be found on invested "class size" set up by concerned ldoc duke parents to promote the national struggle.
Correction: all concerned, ldoc duke except for the Ministry of Education. There seems there is no rush. Five years we are on the same average, scraping up the 30 students per class? Cool. You can go on like this for another 20 years at least. Israel is at the top 27 OECD countries in terms of class size, you will meet only Japan, China and Chile. Chile is a particularly interesting case, a country still suffering from the results of privatization crazy days of Pinochet, backward education system in the Western world. Chile is a warning sign abyss track racing in the Israeli education, sign soon pass by.
How do I know the Ministry of Education does not really ldoc duke excited about the subject of class size? Well, I did some tests and will be reported later in detail. But as a hint of things to come take a peek in the List of emphasis "in the education budget for the years 2013 to 2014 (currently at 42.4 billion), a list which displays the vision of the firm showcased ldoc duke his work.
And there are many benefits: "Deepening Education Zionist values, Jewish and democratic" (in that order); Improving academic achievements; Raising matriculation; Improving the teaching force; Strengthening the core subjects; Strengthening technical education; Development ldoc duke of information and communication literacy.
And do not even get mentioned at all short? Reducing class size. It is, in terms of the Ministry of Education, not "focus budgets". This is not a "vision". It's just gray construction plans, boring, not even moving words for them (not raising eligibility peeling walls? ldoc duke Decibel ldoc duke literacy ldoc duke development increased?).
There is a pressing need in reducing significantly classrooms; There is widespread public ldoc duke recognition of the existence; And as we shall see, there are simple solutions to realize the budget. If so - why is not it happening? Why Israel continues to run in place 25th out of 27 OECD countries crowded classrooms? Why is there no political translation for the public?
One, because it is an unusual case in which even social problem and its political solution are relatively simple. The problem is too crowded classrooms completely interfere with the quality of learning; The solution is to build more classrooms, and a lot. Bottom line, it's all about. ldoc duke There is no need for scholarly discussions on competing pedagogical strategies, there is no tension between contradictory educational ldoc duke philosophies, not a question of "Reach" ldoc duke and "values", "excellence" and "equality", or any of the discussions swampy ldoc duke western education system in Israel splashing them without end. This is a simple problem of physical infrastructure; Budget expansion; And sweeping public will exercise a real solution.
Two, that despite the simplicity of the problem and the solution, it seems that the political system is totally paralyzed in dealing with the issue. So out of this paralysis can understand a lot of the ills of the political system itself, ldoc duke and not the least, the difficulty of civil society to translate unjust demands effective political struggle.
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