You know the joke with the donkey? They like nothing I say it to you: A peasant in the fair. He wanted to sell the donkey. There comes a buyer - Well, Bade, this donkey sell? - I sell! - What, is he sick? - There's tiered buffet server nothing! - Then, can not eat? - It eats! - Do not pull the wagon? - Shoot better! - Then why did you bring the fair? - To make him laugh. And what does the joke with this blog? Most will tell you that these, to embarrass me :)) Wednesday, job, at 11, the current falls, falls and server; current comes, and the server starts. Comes lunch current once he falls, he falls again and the server, and the server comes current rises. C-eh in tennis! Meanwhile pass over lunch and I'm a wolf foaame, eat oatmeal in the morning had been made long dead and gone. At the invitation of a fellow aspiring runner, currently short distance band bedroom home (much to the chagrin of neighbors) tiered buffet server makes me unclean Miss .. to go with him, with his colleague at the buffet table in the corner. We get there, eat lunch nema that passed only on selected shaorma, chicken, beef, big, small, with everything and in any combination. Well let's be like not as bathrooms, eat anyway twice a year and if I eat one I now only one remains for the rest of the year. So shaorma be, in that healthy tiered buffet server chicken with plenty of cabbage, without sauces .... finally all shaorma is called. The good is good, it's tasty bag with lust, chew well, just do not have remorse now that's another month until the start of the spring season and I wrote it on the door to be more motivated; halal reasons. I'm tired, do big belly and get back to the office for a few more hours of a button. After half an hour of course I fall asleep, so treat stomach has to work and consume energy to digest animal. Las tonight as I 8 km in the program, fast, heating for the long run-out on Saturday ... and I think I sin. May give tea vain until I get home balloon well, only potatoes that are to blame, I knew I had to ask without potatoes. But at least I feel energetic, are or feel the bite valve on the cap and dressed rather cat decided to break in two. I arrive at the park, I heat up, I barely bend, connects GPS and hard starting. A shift to the long run (my park has two shifts: one short and one 450m 1000m) to level I and a difference and feel as providers. Atomic barrel tiered buffet server moves well but the first round, surprinzaror well. Why, just last Sunday I read that Usain Bolt only ate at fast food ... mc'do during the 2008 Beijing Olympics and broke two world records; if so became the fastest man on earth as a man knowing something. tiered buffet server I shake paws and gather km. As if I do not even feel like going, whatever it with me, I found the recipe for success? At km 5 almost forgotten the feast, just as I still could occasionally neck potato flavor (sorry tiered buffet server if you are at the table :)) and that made me give it even more. DIII Pervert Donkey, Come to increase, as "the pies before" was good! I have 3 km, I think to relax on small shift, but let let sit here, most pull nitelus the climb, to feel the burn shaorma that. Call bell (in my mind) so it's the last lap, legs up, push hard and say it's my last chance of rehabilitation. Forgiveness great god Phidippides not do! Running glorious ends, the clock beeping, I give fast stop and watch the timer shy. 4:50 min / km last lap, 5:22 min / km average, pfffiii come as cheap escape, while not bad, is the target today, live shaorma! Photo source: If you want to receive a notification every time a new public, enter your email address in the box below: Delivered by FeedBurner
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