Saturday, March 14, 2015

4) Is that what you saw was a plausible / implausible, beautiful food trolley / ugly? Why is that?

Real Class XI students come to the main building of the University of Tartu (University 18) clock 13: 55 sc
Graded assignment (grade literature, art and history): Everyone has to make a report in which he studied and got to know the university faculties of the demonstration. The inventory must indicate at least three different nuance. Everyone has their class excursion to select one of the exhibit, take a photo of it later and find more information about the exhibit, both as a field in which it is used. Everyone food trolley needs to analyze the performance by answering the following questionnaire:
3) Does the story and how did you get it? Have you lived to anyone, and why? Have you had someone's hand / on and why? Have you realized why each character just so runtime? What would you have done differently?
4) Is that what you saw was a plausible / implausible, beautiful food trolley / ugly? Why is that? What feelings / thoughts emerge? Do you play put on something to think about? Have you had before thought about such things apart?
In his essay and photo to be uploaded to the blog at the same day the price of a specific learning task of comments (NB: Do not forget to include your work in anime and class).
Graded task Sulev Sillaste 11h November 6, 2014 we went to Tallinn Tartu NõmmeSecondary School 11th class flight excursion. One part of the tour was the demonstration of the university faculties. We came to talk about the five people food trolley who are faculty members at the University of Tartu. 1) One of the first faculties of Sport Sciences, which introduced us to Mr Moses. Faculty of the University of the most movement and sport focused on the research, which has become a considerable exercise and sports science food trolley centers in both Estonia and Europe. Faculty of Physical Education teaching and research activities are very divergent: the person's food trolley motor functions (development of children, pre- and postoperative changes in articular injuries and osteoarthritis, changes of aging). biomechanics (the mechanical properties of bone-muscle, joint biomechanics, movement activities Biomechanical food trolley analysis). effect of physical therapy and treatment of neurological diseases traumatoloogiliste. Monitoring of training, the emergence food trolley of fatigue, ületreening. Athletic selection of children's sports specialties. physical activity, body composition, bone mineral density and risk factors of the metabolic syndrome in puberty. heat stress effects on physical performance. motivation in physical education teacher part of the formation and preservation. Formation of ekspertsuse sport. Stepping Kehakultuuriteaduskonda a person can focus on the sport and improve their physical fitness to increase your chances food trolley of a career in sports, or instead of, for example, focus on the future of sports physiotherapy and be a doctor or a chiropractor. 2. It came to us talking Tauno Palts, who represented Mathematics and informaatikateaduskonda. This introduction to the faculty was most pleasant to me, as I myself have previously been interested in it. We generally introduced by the Faculty of Informatics is and the process had to meet the different questions using a vote-remotes. Certainly the Mathematics and Computer Science, Introduction to the most interesting in terms of its interactivity. Mathematics is arguably the most international university faculty, which learns a lot of foreign students, and teaches a large number of foreign speakers. The faculty has been successfully toured a number of different products, such as "taxify". 3. Social and went to the Faculty of Education Lepik talking to Sally, who is 23 years old and tourists. It turns out that the Social Sciences and Education is the Estonian education and training, and social scientists, the most widely renowned teachers, psychologists, journalists, public relations experts, scientists, and sociologists in the country hotbed. They told us more about Social Sciences and the Faculty of Education from different directions. food trolley Also, the teacher told us Sally archiving faculty food trolley and librarian eesotavast office. food trolley Somehow it did not seem to me more interesting. Delete Reply
Sulev Sillaste 11h 2) Camera Obscura - a showpiece Pictures: food trolley VGD9afmUfOV Camera obscura or pimekamber a dark room, with a small hole in the wall of the hole gives an inverted image on the wall opposite the hole in front of the illuminated objects or terrain. Camera obscura is a precursor to the camera. The first data from the camera obscura come from the 5th century BC. At the end of the tenth century, the experiments described and used a camera obscura food trolley t-Basra-born scholar food trolley Ali Abu Al-Hasan Ibn al-Haitham (965-1039). The term camera obscura used the small blind bore chamber of the first German astronomer Johannes Kepler. food trolley Early camera obscura-d were great - the whole room or tent. Portable camera o

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