Some vital information, published in scientific journals, sometimes go unnoticed. This is the case for this special issue of "News Flash Chemistry". My friend (s), brothers, sisters, comrades, the situation is serious. thermodynamics property tables Yes, a gourmet scandal is underway, and we cover everything. thermodynamics property tables
It gave me the same shock to you. We are here on Earth to ask if the "French Fries" are better in hex or Belgium, while only a few hundred thermodynamics property tables million miles away, is actually much better (or rather we would, if a fryer could be sent). This is the result of a study ca-pi-ta-published in the journal Food very serious conducted by Research International and Lioumbas Karapantsios.
Let's go back to the scientific basis for frying, to better understand what interplanetary conspiracy. What makes the quality of a good fried is rind. Golden point, but mostly very thick, uniform, to ensure thermodynamics property tables all crispy and holding fry. The basis of any good frying success lies in achieving thermodynamics property tables a perfect crust.
Various thermodynamics property tables parameters have been studied: the nature of the oil, moisture thermodynamics property tables and starch in the potato ... But until then, no form of interplanetary competition had been possible. Until the ESA (European Space Agency) leans a little thermodynamics property tables more on food for astronauts, who complain too often eat ersatz dehydrated unsavory ... And who would like fries for their morale during long missions, for example! (Uh, that's real thing, huh, and it is the second paragraph of the second page of the publication). Thus the influence of gravity, varying from one planet to another that has been studied here.
Let's be clear: for astronauts, what matters is whether we can have good crispy fries in micro-gravity: a journey in space, orbiting a planet, the situation thermodynamics property tables is much more near absence of gravitation, as a hyper-gravity, as one might find on a planet like Jupiter. it prevents one never knows. And a hyper-gravity is easier to simulate a micro-gravity: thermodynamics property tables simply use a centrifuge! In this study, it is the LDC (Large Diameter Centrifuge) ESA was used.
Before turning to the results, overwhelming our planet, yet the mother of all food, one may wonder thermodynamics property tables why, but why gravity can have any influence on the frying? The answer lies in the heart of the heat exchange between the oil and fried: fried that can cook and form the crust that everyone thermodynamics property tables wants, it must reach temperatures of about 150 C. In short, it is necessary that the environment in which it is transferred him to the thermal energy in the most efficient way possible.
The worry is that oil, yielding energy to fry, will cool. One that is close to the stick potato must be in turn be warmed by oil located thermodynamics property tables a little further (and so on, which corresponds to the phenomenon of thermal conduction), or be moved, and thus replaced by the oil warmer (which thermodynamics property tables corresponds to the phenomenon of convection).
Obviously, the thermal conduction is a much slower phenomenon, and therefore much less efficient than convection. This is for example why there are fans in the Computers: cool, fresh air is better, rather than waiting for the thermal energy diffuses slowly in the still backgrounds.
During frying, particularly two processes allow efficient convection of oil. Naturally, the hotter fluid is less dense. It will therefore thermodynamics property tables rise in the fryer, then cool in contact with air and then dive to the bottom, where it will be heated again, etc ... A simple little video to view:
Another process that allows the convection during frying, thermodynamics property tables is related to the formation of small bubbles of water vapor to the surface of the fry. Small bubbles will then detach to resurface. It is in fact this that causes the most movement in the oil. You know, that awkward moment when your fryer (or pot) overfilled oil overflows through all the bubbles that form! I found some nice examples
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