Saturday, September 21, 2013

Sauce Saute dry tomatoes and unpeeled garlic clove in a large skillet for 5 minutes, until the shel

General and Vegetables Pasta Sauces and Creams Savory Soups and Salads Savoury 12 volt car fan pies savory soufflés Shellfish Fish Meat Poultry Meat Dishes Rice Microwave Eggs Quick Breads and Biscuits Snacks Cakes and Cookies Sweets and Desserts mousses Paves Puddings Ice Cream Tarts Drinks Drinks and Juices
Ingredients 8 corn tortillas 12 volt car fan 250g crab meat 250g grated cheddar cheese 200ml cream 1/2 teaspoon (coffee) beans cumin 3 jalapeños peppers Salt Oil for frying
Sauce Saute dry tomatoes and unpeeled garlic clove in a large skillet for 5 minutes, until the shell begins to tarnish. Peel the garlic and tomatoes. Place the tomatoes, garlic 12 volt car fan and peppers in a bowl and mash them with a mixer for 10 seconds. The sauce should be very thick with chunks. Salt to taste. 12 volt car fan
Nachos Heat oil in a large saucepan. Cut the tortillas into 8 pieces, place them in the hot oil until it browns. Remove them from the heat and place them on absorbent paper. Preheat oven to 270C. Roast the cumin dry grains in a nonstick skillet for 2 minutes and then mash them. Mix crab meat, sour cream and cumin. Salt to taste. Place a spoonful of this mixture on each nacho and sprinkle with grated 12 volt car fan cheese. Put the nachos on a baking sheet lined with previously greaseproof paper and bake for a minute, just to make the cheese melt. Garnish with sliced peppers into very thin slices. Serve with hot sauce. Yield: 12 volt car fan 4 servings
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