Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I put the plug in the outlet temperature controlled switch, thermostat, commonly referred to as suc

I put the plug in the outlet temperature controlled switch, thermostat, commonly referred to as such, the temperature limit. There is a control range of up to minus 30 degrees 30 degrees above the thermostat is in the video, you can turn your device in this range or electric. Seems connected to the temperature sensing portion of the wire, which is a thin metal pipe. This sokeneun volume changed depending on the temperature controller will put the contacts inside the car it was off in oil. (Not to use a bimetal), thus priming kkeokyi or severely cut with pliers. The thermostat is used a lot in the refrigerator or freeze protection heaters, panel often. By using the temperature regulator does not heat the bath longer than necessary will be able to minimize the electric bill. The heater will be running only because it freezes at 0 to 0 matchumyeon internal temperature drops below freezing water. The hot air tends to rise up the fan and heater as enables effective. And any of the three contacts are common, and the terminal is connected is higher than the set temperature is one, is a terminal that is connected to the other is lower than the set temperature. Looking around the turn of inde ttokdak distance of the current temperature, you can format the connected terminals are connected to the switch temperature is focused on the lever about 25 to 20 , if measured by the tester. As frost protection heating wire also, when the ambient temperature drops below freezing behavior when doegetjiyo reducing electricity bills. It sells for around keep food warm 5000-9000 won at electronics stores, such as the upper parts of the stream if you use one about making money will be spent unnecessarily reduce the electricity bill savings. If you buy that slightly different temperature range, Maybe you could try making the equipment or tell when a certain temperature is above the temperature of the frying oil. Please reduce your electricity bills with less.
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