Saturday, September 13, 2014

Basis for the development of the gas industry in our country, not to mention the potential gas reso

With the continuous development of science and technology as well as the development of the industry, demand for energy is increasing. Since then, the processing power is also increasingly expand and grow.
Seeing the urgent needs of energy, the state was the construction of the manufacturing plant to meet the energy for industrialization and modernization. Giving priority to the construction of the new plant is capable of full use of materials duke smart home wasted or not used properly, to create the energy of high economic value.
+ Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG): light hydrocarbon mixture is mainly propane, duke smart home propene, butane and butene, and can be stored and transported as a liquid under moderate pressure conditions at ambient temperature. Currently, LPG from gas treatment duke smart home plant sizing producing about 30 to 35% to meet the market demand for LPG Vietnam. LPG is shipped in bulk from warehouse Thi Vai port and delivered to customers by ship. Both need to use LPG in Vietnam increased significantly in recent years. The data showed an increase from 5,000 tons in 1993 to 790,000 tons in 2005 demand forecast trongnhung next year will continue to increase duke smart home in both industry and academia.
+ Dry natural gas is used in many countries around the world thanks to the outstanding properties Vietnamese: as a clean fuel, environmental protection and convenience. Today, gas is a selected fuel to produce electricity and is widely duke smart home used in other industries (food, textiles, engineering, machinery, building materials, chemicals).
In Vietnam, the dry gas is used mainly to produce electricity. Factors such as high technology, environmental duke smart home protection, low-cost gas has helped become a more important fuel for electricity generation. Fuel gas is also a critical input in the chemical industry. Currently, PV Gas is supplied to the plant dienBa Ria, Phu My 1, Phu My 2.1 and Phu My 2.2 and Phu My 3, Phu My 4, fertilizer companies, steel, building materials, ceramic porcelain, tile, glass and fertilizer companies such as petrochemical Petroleum, Vedan, Taicera company, ... In the coming years, the number of gas consumers duke smart home would constantly increasing and increasingly diversity.
Figure 2: dry gas production
With the innovative use of natural gas and associated gas to produce the energy source of economic value and high-value applications, the Gas Treatment Plant Dinh has the potential to grow and expand high, to meet domestic energy needs and contribute to industrialization - modernization of the country.
Basis for the development of the gas industry in our country, not to mention the potential gas resources. Vietnam is recognized as a world national oil fledgling duke smart home community of national oil and gas in the world. The estimated number of Vietnam's petroleum potential duke smart home is 28-110 billion m 3, very low compared to exploration results, the present calculations.
+ White Tiger Mining: is a form of associated gas, comes as oil extraction, each ton of oil can be obtained from 180-200 m 3 of associated gas. From May 5/1995 duke smart home into commercial operation system gas from Bach Ho gas ashore from a million to two and then to three m 3 of gas a day in the period. After installation of the compressor system into two phases, the associated gas output at Bach Ho is raised 4.1 million m 3 air day and night, duke smart home then on shore gas production of 4.3 million m 3 day and night.
Currently gas leads to the shore to give the Dinh Co gas processing plant and thermal power plant of 4.7 million tonnes southern m 3 air day and night, this is the amount of lead from the Bach Ho and Rang Dong field . During the air flow to be directed duke smart home to shore to give these plants is 5.7 million m 3 air day and night.
Also in the area, in the central continental shelf has also discovered gas fields, but some CO 2 levels in the mine so high that 75% of the hydrocarbon content negligible. So there is no use of economic efficiency, this should not be mine exploitation.
1 project using Bach Ho associated gas
The work was partly planned joint venture or wholly foreign partners. In parallel with the process of finding joint venture partners, the government has approved duke smart home the overall design and construction allows for early deployment of air into a bank, with the aim of providing the Dinh Co gas processing duke smart home plant and the power plant in Ba Ria, Phu My and a number of other items.
Gas phase ashore soon be expanded with the installation features items: small compressed time frame of 2 technology center at Bach Ho, the system

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