Saturday, January 17, 2015

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Add new information | thanks | Mobile | iPhone | Feedback | Bookmark | RSS | Promote twms self service account Us Alternative Energy! New solutions -
We all know that in a well-protected safe involves many inventions that could change the world, were it not for the money. It is well known that the earth coal, gas, oil are depleted. Suppose that cars will not have to run as, factories stop producing power and supply energy. If we were without electricity as only a short time, our civilization would be collapsed, there would be chaos and began to fight for survival. But you just let us mention what happened in the US when the weather meant that a few days were without twms self service account electricity throughout the area ... The pace at which we are moving "forward", but soon we actually get into a situation as described by Jeremy Leggett in his book The danger of global warming, citing unnamed US policy. It explains the current position for dropping (and probably the world) But governments: "We know that the earth is the Titanic, which is sinking, and it can not be reversed. Therefore, we want to spend the time as traveling in first class:
However, there are people who believe that it can be prevented. However you do not need to use coal and oil or atomic energy, between us, we all belong to the hands. The world around us, we still provide millions of kilowatt free energy. It needs only to know tame and our life becomes easier and cheaper, the air will be cleaner, and the man - unlimited. twms self service account
It is known that most of the equipment genius scientist Nicola Tesla disappeared soon after his death. When does Tesla died alone and abandoned in 1943 in the New Yorker hotel room in Manhattan, FBI agents seized all documents from his safe on the ground that could contain detailed information about the secret weapon ... (Today Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade. ) It was undoubtedly a prophet of a new era, which has always maintained that all knowledge gets to him in a flash of intuition. Lord Kelvin shall state that has contributed to the advancement twms self service account of science of electricity more than anyone else.
Tesla as revealed by his turbulent magnetic field constructed by alternating current generator. Much has been said about the unknown invention of Tesla - a simple device that could do without the kilometers of cables and transformer stations. Would draw energy directly from the environment. It would be possible to install in cars, homes, airplanes, factories ... Despite of this device Tesla talked a lot, did not find traces even after even after plans for it. Things knowledgeable believe that energy "free" would mean the end of the large mines, power stations. for why buy something you can have for free? It is said that Tesla has gone to the president of one of the major oil companies, thinking that the invention is interesting for him. The president took the plans, thanked and thus it ended. As with the "eternal" match, razor and other inventions. twms self service account But this time it was about something much bigger and more important with far-reaching consequences. However, there remained only at Tesla. Edwin V. Gray inventor of Los Angeles (mysteriously died in 1993), has created twms self service account a revolutionary electromagnetic motor, which gives hope for a substantial improvement in living conditions in the world. The invention represents a huge step towards an amazing power plants & #

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