Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Question. 2 - how to respond critical point calculator to negative comments? Juris Kaza believe tha

In describing the various companies use social media anatomy, crystallized a number of issues, such as whether to respond to the negative critical point calculator comments, which are required by the expert answers. They then asked Nozare.lv technology journalist Juris weddings, social media expert Miks Latvians, Communicator Valdis MELDERE (Radio Skonto) and social media marketing expert Karl Apkalns. Question. 1 - an audience is every - Twitter, critical point calculator Facebook, Draugiem.lv? critical point calculator Juris Kaza describes that Twitter is the people who always want to know what is going on around them; Facebook people want to present themselves in more and multimediālāk; Draugiem.lv so does the Latvian critical point calculator context. By contrast, Karl Apkalns critical point calculator Twitter and Facebook / Draugiem.lv separated by the degree of familiarity of people. However, as stressed by Valdis Melderis, "the critical point calculator impact critical point calculator on each of the channels depends on who you follow, the draudzējies because it also determines what information critical point calculator in the field you have to have the content, pace, and level of engagement." He sees Twitter as a media, critical point calculator advertisers critical point calculator and IT people tusiņvietu the discussions and momentum. Facebook is more a way of life, which also slows down the pace. "Draugiem.lv still is the channel through which the radio and I reach the" average Latvian ', critical point calculator "says Valdis Melderis.
Question. 2 - how to respond critical point calculator to negative comments? Juris Kaza believe that if privately you can ignore them, though not corporately. Therefore constructively explain the situation. After Charlemagne Apkalna view, the answer should be customer service. Mick Latvis further recommends that the negative comments further discuss the not-so-public way, for example, switching from public reports on the direct messages that are readable only two recipients. "At the same time retain the idea that these reports are still (at any time may be) to the public," he adds. "I believe that the negative comments are sometimes able to be themselves valuable." Valdis Melderis from my own experience tells - "once appeared on Radio Skonto tvitertelpā, the negative comments went over a few things, either because critical point calculator immediately responded with explanations, or because the harder "graze", if you know that can not listen. "
Question. 3 - as nepārspēlēt share? Karl Apkalns indicates that the shares may be different. "There may be a product announcement shares may be informative shares may be calling to try and so on. "The most popular and, unfortunately, critical point calculator the stupid way is to share the social media audience's attention to buy -" buy "discount" buy "gifts" buy "with lotteries and the like. Attention buying is an effective and fast way for users to prove that without bribery or gifts for the same product or brand is not worth the attention of the user. "Valdis Melderis adding quotes of Marketing Set Goden," Radi stock / product who lives his life on the viability of further already takes care of newly collected "ambassadors". "Radio Skonto is one share per annum (" My favorite ... "), but the" tail "- at least half a year. Also Juris Kaza recommend nepārspīlēt share: "Not more than one, twice, without fanfārēm and exaggeration. Nekliegt! Nothing in the world is not the best and coolest. "
Question. 4 - what to do if someone has just made a profile with your name? Mick Latvis calls to communicate with the builder's account, to ascertain the reasons for the action and to inform the Portal's administration. "Depending on the fake profile of author goals, it may be that the issue can be resolved peacefully, if not then help can come to the site administration. In any case, this is time consuming. "Karl Apkalns noted that Latvian is surprisingly numerous cases of imposter brand really does not do anything wrong, but by attracting followers and fans - even the rather good. "True, another step in this relationship comes the moment when the imposter profile generated by trying to brand holders to sell for money. How to proceed in such moments? Again, there is no uniform recommendations. On the one hand - paying fraudsters promote critical point calculator such activities in the future. On the other hand, unless the pretenders requirements are not exaggerated, take over collection of fan base may be more rational than to deal with an unknown clear profile holder and then try to build a base of followers from scratch. "
Question. 5 - talk to themselves or to the agencies? "Social media communication requires a very fast and flexible response. critical point calculator For information should be up to date in social media, they become public immediately - preferably in minutes, not hours. Communication via the agency, the idea of a compilation, processing, validation, correction and pārapstiprināšana rapid publication of terminally brakes, "said Karl Apkalns. "What could be a better advertisement for a product or a company employee critical point calculator who is under his own name stands and falls on the public company environment!" Says Valdis Melderis. Juris Kaza is both skeptical and stresses that the same may pabojāt your image. That is why Karl Apkalns advised social media "forms of handling" entrusted to the Secretary of flower watering and coffee buying. Mick Latvis also believes that

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