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The information that follows, by imparting below post have been taken from can neither confirm nor deny. I can only say that in today's age of the Internet, which is overflowing with a variety of information, there is no "theory" that can not be substantiated, so I think that we need to be careful when reaching conclusions, assertions.
Does the theory of Planetu-X/Nibiru or its passage between the Earth and the Sun at the end of the ninth month of the year (2011), about a possible stopping the Earth's rotation, moving planetary axis by 90 degrees, moving tectonic plate, a great deluge, mega earthquakes, hurricane winds, ... true, I do not know, but that is something strange going on with the planet Earth, it is evident from the increasing number of natural car fan heater disasters: floods, extreme and sudden changes in weather / temperature, increasing the number of active volcanoes, earthquakes, mass mortality of birds , fish, etc. .. On the other hand, in as much as there is a general planetary catastrophe that can wipe out almost all life from the earth, what would be the secret rulers who knows, invested so much effort to enslave humanity when their empire will already be destroyed, unless effort is invested for the purpose of enslavement, but in order to deter attention car fan heater from the real problem, the arrival of Nibiru and general disaster. The financial crisis, swine flu, global warming shy ... maybe they are just tools aimed at keeping mankind in a constant mode of survival, their heads bowed, and how humanity could not connect the events, the dots and see what actually car fan heater happens. Again; floods, earthquakes, car fan heater pestilence birds, fish, ... etc., can be attributed to the Haar Pu, so that we can look at HAARP as the real culprit of all these disasters affecting the world, or as a means of distraction from the real causes, Planet-X / Nibiru. Well known David Icke is still nineties car fan heater got the knowledge that there will be a huge geological changes. Icke says that some earthquakes, such as the one in Haiti certainly caused Haar P infection, but also claims that HAARP is not responsible car fan heater for all of them, but solar cycles, solar activity, changes in vibration, etc. .. All in all, whatever is true or not, whatever will happen, or will not, panic and fear has no place, because car fan heater in the end, fear has nothing to do with reality, knowledge, truth, but with the creation of our mind, our thoughts, beliefs, beliefs that something is or is not, it will, or will not happen. Who, what, how and why should we fear? If you know that death does not exist, that there is only life, that's all one, that this is just one of the endless possibilities, experience, why be afraid? Living car fan heater in fear is to live in an illusion, car fan heater because fear is an illusion. So let's not be afraid, because this is all just a wonderful experience, car fan heater we at last, self-selected experience, no matter what it was! "All of the situation that we experience, no matter how unpleasant they may be, are necessary in the process of knowing what we know in life; all steps that are necessary to decide how we arrived at the place at which we decided to go. "- Richard Bach Here is something interesting
Nibiru on the wallets of 10 Swiss francs, which is supposed to be valid until 05.01.2020 year, but was withdrawn car fan heater from circulation without any reason. Banknotes issued 5 .11.1979. So four years before the official confirmation of the existence of NIBIRU planet. Banknote is clearly entered another path within car fan heater the solar system car fan heater on the left side where the orbiting planet with a long tail - Igor Kostelac
List of earthquakes that coincide aligning Nibiru - Sun - Earth, or Nibiru - Earth - some of the planet. All these dates and alignment can be checked on the official website of NASA. Nibiru - Earth - Sun 20.02.2008 earthquake in Indonesia 7.4 Nibiru - Earth - Sun 25.02.2008 Indonesia 7.2 Nibiru - Earth - Neptune 12.05.2008 China 7.9 Nibiru - Earth - Sun 18.02.2009 Kermadec Islands 7 Nibiru - Earth - Jupiter 18:05. 2009 Los Angeles 4.7 Nibiru - Mercury - 09.08.2009 Japan 7.1 Earth Nibiru - Earth - Venus 18.02.2010 car fan heater China / RU / N.Korea 6.9 Nibiru - Earth - Sun - Jupiter 26.02.2010 Japan 7 Nibiru - Earth - Jupiter 03.01.2011 Chile 7 Nibiru - Earth - Sun 11.03.2011 Japan 9.0 not to mention further, I think this is enough. Coincidence? As I said, all this alignment can be checked on the official website of NASA. Message to all NASA employees:
So much of me, below you can read at the beginning of the announced post, enjoy Source: If the Earth as a planet, and us, the human race, along with all living creatures and the whole nature of the coming cataclysm in the form of shifting the Earth's axis by accompanied by a series of huge to
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