Monday, July 14, 2014

I what all and what kind of nonsense is published, so this is amazing! Vako closest relatives, so t

The first thing to notice about sljedećemu diagram is that hippos are the closest living relatives of whales, but not their predecessors. In fact, none of the animals in the diagram is not a direct precursor to any other animals shown in the diagram, and because each of them belongs to a separate branch of the evolutionary tree.
Nile as horses, as well as whales, large and aquatic animals, but the two groups have developed these features independently of each other. We know this because bbq chicken nachos recipe the ancient relatives bbq chicken nachos recipe of hippos, called a nthracotheres (not on the diagram), were neither water nor large animals, such as this were not the ancestors of whales that we see in the diagram (like Pakicetusa). Hippos are the most likely evolved from a family nthracotheresa before about 15 million bbq chicken nachos recipe years ago. The first whales evolved bbq chicken nachos recipe more than 50 million years ago, the ancestor of both species lived on land.
The first whales, like Pakicetusa were typical terrestrial animals. They had a long skull and large teeth of a carnivore. From the outside it did not look at all like whales. However, their skulls - especially in the area of the ear, which was surrounded by bone wall - very similar to the skulls of living whales and differ from the skulls of other mammals. Often seemingly small features can provide crucial evidence that would link the animals are well-equipped for their way of life (like whales) and their relatives seem less extreme.
Compared to other older whales, such as Indohyus and Pakicetus, Ambulocetusi looked like aquatic animals. Their legs were short, his hands and feet were as big as paddles, bbq chicken nachos recipe and they had long tails and masculine. The assumption that Ambulocetusi were aquatic animals may be supported by evidence which showed stratigraphy - Ambulocetusa fossils were obtained from the sediment, which is likely to form a old mouth of the river and the oxygen isotopes in their bones. Animals are what you eat and drink, and salt and fresh water with different levels of oxygen isotopes. This means that we know that the animals were drinking water by studying isotopes that are embedded in their bones and teeth as they develop and grow. Isotopes show that Ambulocetusi drinking and fresh and salt water, which is consistent with the theory that these animals lived in the bays and estuaries between freshwater and oceans.
Whales that evolved after Ambulocetusa bbq chicken nachos recipe (Kutchicetusi etc) show an even higher level of oxygen isotope salt water, which leads to the conclusion that inhabited the coastal area and were able to drink salt water, as it may be today's whales. These animals have nostrils that were moved during the evolution of the snout to the back of the body, which is evident in today's whales, in which the nostrils located on top of the head between the eyes.
These more water whales have changed in a way that indicates a close connection with today's whales. For example, their pelvis during bbq chicken nachos recipe evolution decreased and separated from the spine. It may be associated with increased use of the entire spinal bone structure, including the back and tail that are responsible for movement. If you watch movies with dolphins and whales, you will notice that swim by caudal fin, which is placed horizontally, rather than vertically as in fish. To swim, dolphins move its tail up and down, not side to side like a fish. The reason for this is the fact that whales evolved from land mammals bbq chicken nachos recipe whose spine was bent to the side, rather than up and down. This can be observed in dogs in the race - they are the backbone wave moves up and down. This is the case with whales as they swim, thus proving their land inheritance.
While whales swim by bending its body, other alterations in their skeleton allow them to use their limbs for directing more than swimming and achieve speeds. The fact that the former whales have a similar structure of the vertebrae in the tail as well as today indicates that early whales like Dorudona and Basilosaurusa had caudal fin. Such changes in the skeleton, which allow the life in water, especially in the visible bbq chicken nachos recipe basilosaurida like Dorudona. These ancient whales evolved more than 40 million years ago. They were able to "lock" your elbow joint thus allowing its forequarters achieve better control of water and resisting the resistance of water while swimming. Last limbs of these whales and almost did not have. They were so tiny that scientists believe bbq chicken nachos recipe that they had no function, and it is possible that they were located within the body. Occasionally, scientists are stumped living whale with small hints of the last members of the body.
Last basilosaurida foot. It is evident that there are a whole ankle and several finger bones, though they could not walk. Basilosaurid Astragalus has a hinge and hook knot directed to the bones in your feet as ungulates, while other bones of the ankle and foot are connected.
I what all and what kind of nonsense is published, so this is amazing! Vako closest relatives, so they way, but no one direct predecessor and

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