Beer contains such a large amount of silicon as its consumption in moderation positively affect bone health. After analysis of the amount of silicon in different types of beer that otkireno greatest amount of this chemical element, about 56 milligrams per liter, a beer in those varieties which are prepared from barley and hops, while alcoholic dish warmer beers have the least amount of silicon. Silicon is very important dish warmer for the development of the skeletal system, so moderate consumption of beer can significantly help in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
Beer contains B complex vitamins that are amazingly good for the skin. However, the bathroom dish warmer is not suitable for people who have high blood pressure after heart surgery, pregnant women in the third month of pregnancy and for children under 12 years. dish warmer
Beer produced more than 6000 years. For his finding that there are numerous legends, among others, include the Egyptian god Osiris and the Nordic Odin. 's Clay tiles confirm that Sumerian, former residents dish warmer of Mesopotamia, over 40% of their crops they turned the bread first, then it produced beer which paid manual workers and civil servants. Drink like beer appeared likely in the period when the need for storage of food caused him to primitive man grinds out 'rtenite grains of cereals, to form the dough and dry, so you can eat when you have no food . Ever since I melel you `rtele out because he realized that so much better dish warmer and delicious. Of course, then you know that these grains have the ingredients themselves (enzymes) that allow degradation of the components of grain (starch and protein) and as such are not only delicious, but are easier to digest and healthier. The resulting dry pastry served for eating, but could also be crushed and mixed with water. The latter soon proved very interesting because in a relatively short time received two very useful products: drink with a pleasant taste and smell, with curative properties, as well as a precious relic in preparing other foods.
Today it is known that fermented beverage, which received a spontaneous boiling sugar solution and was the forerunner of today's beer was rich in vitamins and minerals, and the rest in the form of dough (Maya) is a product rich in yeast and proteins needed for making bread.
Today beer is described as frothy, bitter drink alkoholiziran faint aroma of hops. Among other things, just hop is the ingredient that distinguishes modern from the original beer which alternated throughout history. Most refined in the north of Europe, dish warmer where beer culture today is the most developed. Combined with fruit and aromatic herbs, are sacrificial victim dish warmer of the gods, was used in religious rituals, are consumed as food and medicine, are served at feasts. Barley Hops
Nowadays producing beer sufficient four natural ingredients: water, barley, hops and yeast. Beer is the product of boiling alcohol beer Slides, Slides and beer extract is dried barley, hops nezasladenite raw. It is very complex and lengthy process. It starts with grinding and removing jachmeniot malt, which produces dish warmer the extract which serves as a nutritious substrate for fermentation by yeast. Followed by cooking, cooling and filtering. Fermentation is a consequence of yeast, followed by aging and filtering beer. Even then, you can fill the bottles.
Today in the world there are more than 40 thousand kinds of beer that can be divided into two basic groups: top fermentation beer or English type beer and beer fermentation or lower continental type beer.
The word "beer" (birra, bier, beer, biere) began to be used between the 6th and 7th century, when he began to apply hops. At that time the beer is produced in monasteries. Hops, then the Germans still used as a spice in preparation dish warmer of mead and realized it was a good addition to the beer. Until then been used as a spice "Grul" more aromatic blend of herbs.
According to one of the monastery recipes, drink dark colored monks preparing the container with a volume of 20 liters, which threw 18 liters of water, 300g Rama fried barley and hops 20 grams. Since the boiling cook 60 minutes. Then the liquid is tied down in a canvas bag that has a hand cornstarch and continue cooking another 60 minutes.
If you follow through beer history, at the same time follow the history of mankind in general. Y ince the earliest civilizations, drink beer as can be encountered in many nations. A gift from the gods for some, healing potion for other civilizations.
Throughout history, the consumption of beer and the ritual around it takes many forms. Egyptians drank beer from large vessels made of straw matting, the Germans made a law that kriglite had to have beer to cover everything
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