Page 16, when we create or modify a building component steps 1 and 2 and now we see the next step. Steps will be discussed density of steam in this article is to define the elements within the model farm. The original density of steam inhabitants of the familiar bird or bird lovers. density of steam Components within a farm bird following. Humidity and temperature. Farm bird. Ventilation systems. The dark bird farm farm farm smell bird bird.
Understanding a little moisture and humidity (Humidity) refers to the amount of water vapor contained density of steam in the air. Humidity changes over time. Are more or less dependent on pressure and temperature.
Humidity (Relativety humidity) refers to "the ratio of the amount of water vapor in the air to the physical amount of water to make a saturated air at the same temperature," or "the ratio of the pressure. The physical vapor pressure saturated steam ", the relative humidity expressed in terms of percentage (%).
= The relative humidity (amount of water vapor in the air / water vapor content of the air saturation) x 100%.
Brief description of the amount of water vapor in the air depends on the temperature of the air. Hot air can hold more water vapor cold. So if we lower the temperature of the air, to the point one would be "saturated air" (Saturated air) air can not hold any more water vapor. Or say that. Air humidity is 100%, so if the temperature continues to drop. Water vapor changes into a liquid state. Cause condensation temperature is called the "dew density of steam point" (Dew point) cause adhesion of the droplets to prevent bat nest fungi. So we can understand that it would be enough moisture overview that. Farm bird, we should improve the moisture and temperature on how to standardize the bird lovers. ______________________________________________________________.
After building a bird house completed The first thing to test is to measure the temperature and humidity inside the bird house. When the temperature and humidity, and then find a solution. If moisture is not scheduled to air moisture. If not within the specified temperature. Check to see that part of the wall are still hot. Or because too few vents. To be calculated once a match is difficult. If the vent is best for them in the first place. If the latter, I found that too much, it can be turned off. Which is easier to penetrate. So before you turn to the bird house bird to live, so be sure. Temperature and humidity level as & #.
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